sprawdzenie poprawności tłumaczenia

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
bardzo was proszę o sprawdzenie poprawności listu motywacyjnego na Erasmusa.

Wydaje mi się, że nie ma dużo błędów, ale chciałbym mieć pewność.
Z góry bardzo wam dziękuję!

At the moment I make an apprenticeship as management assistant in software company in the foundry industry. We specialize in solutions for production planning and control systems for foundries and for the metal working industry.
My main tasks are, writing offers, confirmation of orders, delivery notes and invoices, booking flights and hotels, manage phone calls and correspondence (e-mail, letters, packages etc.). To sum up, I work in the administration, because of that I would like to work at the same worksite in XYZ.
I live in Germany for 3 years. I spent the majority of my life in Poland, because there I was born. For 5 years I studied Germanic philology, I finished the post-graduate studies German language teaching methods as well as in the meantime I have studied Spatial development. I was doing a lot of internships, which let me use in practice my knowledge acquired during studies (Odbylam liczne prakytki, ktore pozwolily mi zetknac sie z prakycznym wykorzystaniem mojej wiedzy zdobytej podczas studiow). In 2012 I have received the ERASMUS scholarship in XYZ for one year. This scholarship was the most memorable period of my life. Thanks to the possibility of going on the ERASMUS scholarship, I had the opportunity to gather new experiences that I would not be able to experience in any other way. Thanks to the possibility which gave me this program, I could admire the German country so much that I decided immediately after defending my master's degree, return to this country and live there. As soon as I learned about the possibility of going to XYZ, what our school gives us, I decided to apply for a place without hesitation.
I am responsible, scrupulous and accurate - I am sparing no effort to come up to satisfactory results. If I do not know something, I do not abandon tasks, but I try to quickly fill the missing knowledge and deal with the challenges. (jestem odpowiedzialna, skrupulatna i dokładna - nie oszczędzam sił, by dojść do satysfakcjonujących wyników. Jeśli czegoś nie wiem, nie porzucam zadań, tylko staram się szybko uzupełnić brakującą wiedzę i poradzić sobie z wyzwaniami.)

I think my English is on the good level. The ability to understand and write in English is definitely higher than the ability to speak. Thanks to these practices, I would be able to train my communication skills in this language. But not only for language reasons, I would like to take part in this program very much. The opportunity to make new contacts and work experience at a given position in another country would certainly open before me new opportunities.
The best time for a trip would be for me from April 15, 2019 to May 6, 2019.
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Yours sincerely,
>>>>Wydaje mi się, że nie ma dużo błędów,....no i tutaj sie mylisz.

'At the moment' (to jest kolokw, trzeba Currently) I 'make' (kalka z polskiego 'robic' tutaj chodzi o cos innego, trzeba po prostu...I am an apprentice management assistant) an apprenticeship as management assistant in software company in the foundry industry.
My main tasks are, writing offers, confirmation of orders, delivery notes and invoices, booking flights and hotels, 'manage' (tutaj trzeba ze to w obie strony, ale lepiej jest napisac, telephone contact) 'phone' (slowo jest 'telephone') calls and correspondence (e-mail, letters, packages 'etc' (jaka to correspondece to sie nazywa etc?).). To sum up, I work in 'the' (niepotr) administration (tutaj dalabym 'and') because of that I would like to work at the same 'worksite' (nie, chyba masz na mysli 'section , department, cos takiego) in XYZ.
I 'live' (hello? co to jest,, tutaj masz na mysli...I have lived in ...) in Germany for 3 years. I spent the majority of my life in Poland, because 'there I was born' (ale to chyba jest oczywiste, z twojego CV, bo tam masz miejsce urodzenia, nie trzeba sie tlumaczyc - to jest za wysoki stopien formlanosci, zebys tlumaczyl sie tak)n. For 5 years I studied Germanic philology, I 'finished' (za niskie slowo, tutaj 'completed') 'the' (niepotr) post-graduate studies IN German language teaching methods 'as well as in the meantime' (and 'simultaneously') I 'have' (niepotr) studied Spatial development. I 'was doing a lot of' (za niskie, trzeba formlanie, undertook several) internships, which 'let' (daj 'allowed') me TO use in practice 'my' THE knowledge acquired during studies. In 2012 I 'have' (niepotr) received the ERASMUS scholarship in XYZ for one year.
Thanks to the possibility of going on the ERASMUS scholarship, I had the opportunity to gather new experiences that I would not be able to experience in any other way (tutaj trzeba napisac jakie, bo nie moge sie domyslac, czy to i o co to chodzi). 'Thanks to the possibility which gave me' (niepotr i blednie napisane) This program (tutaj trzeba dac 'allowed me 'I could' (niepotr) TO admire the German country so much that I decided immediately after 'defending' (nie, to jest uzywane tylko w Polsce, trzeba 'obtaining') my 'master's degree' (nie, tutaj daj M.A.), TO return to 'this country' (nie, trzeba Germany) and live there. As soon as I learned about the possibility of going to XYZ, 'what' (kalka z polskiego ale i tak nie jest potrzebne) 'our school gives us' (niepotr) AVAILABLE IN our school I decided to apply for a place without hesitation.
I am responsible, scrupulous and accurate - I 'am sparing' (to jest za bardzo Indian English, nie rob tak, bo ci co sie znaja pomysla ze wladasz Indian English) SPARE no effort to come up 'to' WITH satisfactory results. If I do not know something, I do not abandon THE tasks, but I try to quickly fill the missing knowledge and deal with the challenges.

I think my English is 'on' (to jest kalka z polskiego, English is AT...) A 'good' (co to znaczy, jakie masz dowody na to, jakie certifikaty, tutaj mozna je wymienic) level. The ability to understand and write in English is definitely higher than 'the' MY ability to speak. 'Thanks to these practices' (tutaj to nie rozumiem o co chodzi, co chyba masz na mysli, i tutaj tylko zgaduje, to jest to, ze 'if I was successful') I would be able to 'train' (daj inne slowo, moze improve) my communication skills. 'in this language' (niepotr, bo wiemy o jaki chodzi). 'But not only for language reasons' (to jest arse over tit, nie zacznamy zdan z 'because' i trzeba napisac...language aims are not the only reasons that) I would like to take part in this program 'very much' (niepotr). The opportunity to make new contacts and TO GAIN work experience at a given position in another country would certainly open before me new opportunities.
The best time for a trip would be 'for me' (nie wiem po co to piszesz, bo wiemy ze o Ciebie chodzi, nie dodawaj slow gdzie nie sa potrzebne) from 'April 15, 2019 to May 6, 2019' (ja to jakos daty lubie w formie w ktorej one sa latwo czytane. 15th April 2019 to 6th May 2019)

reszta zdan o.k.