Profil użytkownika labtes - wpisy na forum

1051-1080 z 1556
Dziękuję. A w "reported speech"? Mr Jones was to speak at the meeting. She said that Mr Jones ... at the meeting.…
No tak, teraz jasne :) Dziękuję.…
Kolejna prośba o pomoc: “I owe the revelation of the wonderful structure of ideas upon which Italy's greatest poet built his poem, the only modern poem that bears comparison with Homer, to you. …
Będę wdzięczny za pomoc. Czy można użyc konstrukcję “be to” w Past Perfective? Na przykład: Mr Jones had been to speak at the meeting. Rozumuję w ten sposób: He is to speak at the meeting. He was to…
A jest coś w nim pikantnego?…
Hurra, będziemy mieli browary.…
@Sav Guinness :) @zielonosiwy Czy Ty jesteś na polonistyce?…
Wydaje mi się, że Pani Justyna ma taki problem:…
'shaista' sounds German :) I don't know and, unfortunately, I have no one to ask :) btw, you shoudda bought the castle in Aberdeenshire!…
Ufff, I shoulda known that you were not going to write about me. I don't need visa to stay in Scotland :)…
I'm working now on a joke about WHO can use matching modals in the counterfactual conditional if-clause That's more than creativity.…
I can only wonder how creative you can be when you're tipsy :)…
p.s. 2. sorry , it was to be Big Cherry, my bad Cherries? Did I hear someone saying 'cherries'? Let me tell you, in case you don't know yet, that I loooooove cherries!…
Whatever floats your boat, man. You can't possibly say "float" and refer to the photograph, can you? :)…
A link to your Facebook profile will do :)…
You came up with this, right, lead by example:) I can't, I'm already too popular with women :)…
I'd like mg, zielonosiwy, Aaric, sav, and Terri to send their selfies.…
More than 10 years ago? :)…
A czym on się będzie różnił od tego: ?…
Najpierw popraw te zdanie: She is often lates to work …
Dziękuję siwozielony :)…
Dlaczego nie należy użyć przedimka the przed second half?…
A miałem go w nawiasie i usunąłem :) Dziękuję.…
Bardzo proszę o pomoc. Czy poniższe zdanie: I would like either a professional or student female. znaczy: 1. I would like either a professional (female) or student female. 2. I would like either a p…
Skoro tak powinno być, to dlaczego w drugim zdaniu nie ma to?…
A dlaczego w dwóch ostatnich zdaniach użyłaś/-eś Present Continuous? I'm go to drink! jest niegramatyczne. I dlaczego w pierwszym zdaniu po listen mamy to?…
- What music do you listen to if you feel depressed? - I don't listen ? music when I'm depressed. - So, what are you doing? - I'm going to drink A dlaczego w dwóch ostatnich zdaniach u…
Fair enough, I apologise for the mistrust of mine :)…
Whatever the answer will be, I won't stop laughing.…
1051-1080 z 1556