Profil użytkownika midnight_cowboy - wpisy na forum

271-293 z 293
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It's seven o' clock AM, I have just been awakened by alarm clock in my smartphone, I am boiling water with an eletric kettle to make a cup of tea, listening to the news from the TV, reheatin…
Having had seen the announcement of The Northgate Town Planning Department about the intention to build houses on the place commonly known as Northgate Common I decided to write an article in which I …
Books - an endangered species? The last friday when I was comming home from school bought my favourite media magazine at a kiosk near the bus stop, as is my wont. I was to wait about twenty minutes fo…
Nowadays, innovative methods of learning are becoming more and more popular in schools around the world. Many people even claim that the future of education belongs to the comupters and modern techniq…
Dear Mr Johnson, The aim of this proposal is to answer to your invitation to express our views on your plan of a ban of all cars from the city centre centre because of problems with traffic, pollution…
Witam, są na forum osoby, które studiowały lub studiują na powyższych uczelniach anglistykę i mogą podzielić się swoimi odczuciami? Pozdrawiam…
Lublin odpada, bo jest tylko moduł pedagogiczny na Kulu i Umcsie. O Łodzi słyszałem bardzo dużo złego.…
Lublin odpada, bo jest tylko moduł pedagogiczny na Kulu i Umcsie. O Łodzi słyszałem bardzo dużo złego.…
No nie, ale skoro dla nauczycieli teraz nie ma pracy to po co przez trzy lata tłuc coś nieciekawego i niepotrzebnego dla mnie. Na Jagiellońskim jest tylko moduł pedagogiczny, więc nie ma sensu. Jestem…
witam, właśnie otrzymałem wyniki matury i planuję zacząć studiować od października anglistykę. Z tego co patrzyłem najbardziej odpowiadałyby mi Uniwersytet Rzeszowski i Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny w Kra…
In comparison with the past, nowadays many couples decide to have much less children. There is a very popular family model "2+1" which means two parents and one children, particularly in dev…
Nowadays, less and less young people decide to get married and have a family before their thirtieth birthday. In almost every modern and developed country there is a tendency to find a job and save so…
Napisz list do kolegi z Anglii, w którym opiszesz swoje przygotowania do studniówki. W swoim liście: • wyjaśnij koledze, co to jest studniówka • poinformuj, gdzie postanowiliście zorganizować swoją st…
Wady i zalety organizowania demonstracji w dużych miastach. Freedom of assembly is one of the most important rights in a democratic society. People can express their objection to the government'…
Witam! W tym roku zdaję maturę i zamierzam podjąć w przyszłym semestrze studia związane z angielskim. Interesuje mnie filologia angielska, ale nie chcę być nauczycielem. I tutaj pytanie, mieszkam w ś…
At present, unhealthy food is a big problem in the world, in particular, among the young people. The government suggest introducing a tax on unhealthy food trade. This idea has certainly both the adva…
Dear Mr Dawkins, I am writing to complain about the shortage of the cycling paths in our city and consequently it is very hard to me and the other habitants of the city to cycle comfortably. My friend…
Many talnted young people decide to drop out of school in order to be a professional athlete. There is no doubt that this decision may be a big chance for a talented person who does badly at school. O…
common, shared, combined?…
Turning eighteen is for almost all teenagers a very important moment in their life and almost all of them throw a great party for this occasion. Moreover, many of them, decide to combine the parties o…
Dear Mr Jones, I am writing to complain about two employees of the building's administration, who yesterday were performing work commissioned by the administration in my apartment and caused some…
Dear Mr Jones, I am writing to complain about two employees , who yesterday were performing work commissioned by building's administration in my apartment and caused some significant damages, whi…
New York Place filled with inspirations We walked throughout the streets of New York listening to the tales of our friend's family we had just met. My friends Tom and I had been dreaming about th…
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