Profil użytkownika eva74 - wpisy na forum

12781-12810 z 12860
nie za rok tylko za kazdy kredyt (przedmiot). Czyli nawet jak skonczysz np w 3 lata to i tak zaplacisz tyle samo co za 4.…
>im fed up uzywa sie tylko w sensie ze mam juz dosc jedzenie >(najadlem sie) czy mozna to uzyc w innych sytuacjach raczej na pewno tylko w innych sytuacjach :) "fed" nie ma to nic…
Naah, there is no such thing as love. It's all LUST - to ensure the continuation of the species ;)))…
They walk (together) holding hands. I haven't noticed her before.…
A ile studenci bez obywatelstwa/pobytu stalego musza placic?…
I'd like to draw your attention to #2: verse (from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary) noun 1 [U] writing which is arranged in short lines with a regular rhythm; poetry: comic/…
I met him at a bus stop while me and my friend were waiting for the/our bus.…
Zalezy :) We waited for the bus for two hours. We were waiting for the bus while/when.... (something happened) We've been waiting for the bus for two hours when...…
>-hello >+hell0, what's this? >-this is present for our aunt for her name-day >+What did you buy? albo What did you get her? >- I bought her a painting >+A painting?? This …
W Kanadzie sie imienin nie obchodzi wiec z tym prezentem to bedziesz miec problem. Mozesz uzyc name-day present/gift (ale rodowitym Amerykanom/Kanadyjczykom/Anglikom itd. trzeba opisowo wyjasniac fen…
Czytam tylko po angielsku wiec tyle na ile czas pozwala. Srednio 2 na tydzien, ale to zalezy od tematyki. Jak trzeba nad czyms myslec co przy okazji ma jeszcze z 500 stron, to z tydzien na tym zejdz…
Gramatyka absolutnie nie jest taka sama. I jesli cos piszesz, to powinnas sie trzymac albo gramatyki brytyjskiej albo amerykanskiej. Roznice gramatyczne i w slownictwie sa tutaj: http://esl.about…
>-Good morning >+Good morning >-Where did you go on your last holidays? albo Where did you spend your last holidays? >+I was in Poland. >-What was the weather like? >Oh, it was…
>-Hello, how are you? >+Hi, I'm fine, and you? Fine, thanks. >-Do you have boyfriend? >+Yes, I do >-What does he look like? >+He has got black hair, green eyes and he is…
E tam, nie wierze, na pewno potrafisz, uwierz w siebie i sprobuj. Zwroty polacz czasownikami :)…
Napisz najpierw sama a tu sie poprawi jesli bedzie trzeba. Inaczej to nie jest nauka tylko zwykle oszustwo.…
w czym problem? wygugluj sobie.…
>I'm head over heels in lvoe with her. love, of course…
I'd like to get to know you better. I'm head over heels in lvoe with her. I'm crazy about her. I've lost my marbles over her. I'm completely besotted with her.…
Kasiu, please read the first verse. Are there any words in this song that you do not understand? Did you understand all the words? (or for grammarians: have you understood all the words?) albo na…
Making tea - instructions of/from master Han. Making tea according to master Han. Master Han's tea-making instructions. nie upieraj sie przy tym "na przykladzie", bo to co jest w p…
Ok, I've thought about it some more :) work potential refers to a person's ability to do a certain job, to excel at something. job potential refers to the ability of obtaining a job in…
Najlepiej podaj cale zdanie, bo to niezupelnie tak jak to wyjasnilam :)…
Jesli masz na mysli specyficzna prace, jakies stanowisko, to job potential. Jesli ogolnie, to work potential.…
Gramatycznie wypracowanie jest dobre. Slownictwo tez. Problem lezy tutaj: >Przerabiamy teraz 2 okres warunkowy i mieliśmy napisać krótkie >wypracowanie zawierające konstrukcje tego typu. …
That's actually quite good :) >"Second-Hand Shops - positive aspects and negative aspects" Second-hand Shops - positive and negative aspects. >A second-hand shop is a plac…
Zgadza sie. Mozna pisac. A tak przy okazji, to to albo appendixes albo appendices. Ja najczejsciej spotykam te druga forme.…
>M1 is huge departament store on south place in Czeladź. a the south of Cheladz city. >It is 2 kilometers from center. The way here is very simple, because there area lot of buses…
To me the word "love" means happiness, but I think love is very difficult for two people. Everyone thinks about happy love. Unfortunately, people often cannot understand each other and thi…
introduction to entrepreneurship military training? :)))…
12781-12810 z 12860