Wymarzone wakacje - wzór wypracowania

Wymarzone wakacje

I love travelling and I have visited a lot of places. It's great to get to know new cities, their people, atmosphere, etc.

I don't often travel abroad because it's quite expensive, but if I could I would like to go to Scotland. I'm particularly interested in the Isle of Sky. I've heard that it is a magic island, with spectacular views and great walking paths. It's also a fantastic place for climbing, so if I could go there for two weeks with my friends, we would probably spend the time hiking. We could also rent bikes and visit the island cycling.

I think it's nice to spend your holiday with the people you like, that's why I'd like to travel with my friends. We could take a tent and go from one campsite to another to see as much of the island as possible. Self-catering holiday is a much better way of visiting a city or country than trips organised by travel agencies. You are not limited by their timetable and you don't have to eat what, where and when they tell you. You have more freedom to do what you really like and to feel that you are on holiday.

I am sure that the Isle of Skye has a lot of little shops which offer jewellery, works of art and other souvenirs designed by the local craftsmen. I'd like to spend some time looking for something original that I could bring from my stay.

liczba słów: ~245

particularly - szczególnie
magic - magiczny
spectacular - spektakularny
views - widoki
walking paths - ścieżki wędrowne
climbing - wspinaczka
hiking - chodzenie po górach
a tent - namiot
a campsite - kemping
a travel agency - biuro podróży
a timetable - rozkład, plan
jewellery - biżuteria
souvenirs - pamiątki
designed by - zaprojektowany przez
craftsman - rzemieślnik
cycling - jazda na rowerze

to get to know something - poznać coś
to travel abroad - podróżować za granicę
that's why - to dlatego
self-catering holiday - wakacje zorganizowane we własnym zakresie
to be limited by - być ograniczonym przez

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