Ćwiczenia leksykalne na poziomie A2

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Twoja historia


Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

Wybierz właściwe słowa do uzupełnienia zdań.

  1. My grandmother made this   using apples from her garden.

  2. Do you   sport at school?

  3. Would you like a   of tomato soup for lunch?

  4. I've got a   in my left leg. I'll call the doctor.

  5. Pete's going to do some   chicken on the barbecue.

  1. We're buying my parents a tea   for Christmas.

  2. How far away is the nearest  ? Can we see it from Earth?

  3. There's no   in the printer. Have you got any?

  4. My sister made this dress   in just one day.

  5. I can't open this kind of   on my computer.

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Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
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