Pomoc z zadaniami- sprawdzenie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Witam! Mam problem z zadaniami z gramatyki i chciałabym prosić was o pomoc. Wszelkie sugestie będą dla mnie bardzo istotne bo zapewne jest tutaj masa błędów.

Paraphrase the following:

1. Why should I offer you advise if you won't listen? (what's/point)

---What's the point of offering you advise if you won't listen?

2. There are more accidents on the roads than there used to be. (there/risen/number)

--- nie mam pomysłu na to zdanie

3. They have robbed her of all her money. (she/had/money)

--- She had been robbed of all her money.

4. It's my parent's twenty-fifth wedding anniversary next Saturday. (will/married)

--- By next Saturday my parents will have been married for twenty-five years.

5. When was this planet discovered? (been/since/discovery)

--- How long has it been since the discovery of this planet?

6. I've started jogging so as to become fit. (take/aim)

--- Nie mam pomysłu :(

7. I think someone has already pointed out all her mistakes. (she/pointed)

--- I think she has already been pointed out all her mistakes.

8. Betty doesn't want to be given a main part in the school play. (rather/given)

--- She rather not have been given a main part in the school play.

9. The girl was close to dying when the paramedics arrived. (she/verge).

--- She was at the verge of dying when the paramedics arrived.

10. It is essential that candidates have not applied for the same post previously (must)

--- Candidates must not applied for the same post previously.
Point in, adviCe
There has...
To take aim at sth
To jest konstrukcja would rather, poczyt aj o niej
W ostatnim jest zle, ale sam nie wiem, co tam ma byc, bo must not nie ma formy przeszlej
edytowany przez zielonosiwy: 01 cze 2016
1. ok---What's the point of offering you 'advise' (hello, tutaj ma byc rzeczownik, a slowo ktore napisales chyba nim nie jest) if you won't listen?
2. Nie wiem
3. ok
4. ok
5. ok
6. nie wiem
7. I think she has already 'been pointed out all her mistakes' (cos tu nie tak).
8. 'She' (tutaj trzeba imie) rather not have been given a main part in the school play.
9. ok
10. ok
Ja bym nie dał 'at' w 9.
masz racje, w 9 powinno byc ON


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie