proszę o pomoc, chodzi o sprawdzenie notatki

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
notatka może wydać się dość dziwna ale to pewnie z powodu tematu... którym jest krycie dachów...

Thatching dates back to the Bronze Age. Thatched houses were a common sight for more than a millennium. Thatching was the most popular in the late 18th century. However, the craft started to decline when Britain entered the industrial era but it is still practice today.
Materials which was used was: straw, reeds or grasses because it was cheap and lightweight. The materials varied from region to region. For example in the south of England wheat was grown so they used the wheat straw. East Anglia and Norfolk reeds were used.
Thatching started to decline because modern building techniques and the growing railway network made other materials more available.


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