Potrzebuje kogos dobrego do spr listu :) Prosze:)

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Studiuje filologie ale potrzebny mi jest ktos lepszy (nauczyciel?) do spr listu ktory napisalam. Jesli by ktos taki chetny byl to prosze o kontakt :):) moj mail [email] albo tu :) Bardzo prosze:))
wklej ten list tutaj i sprawdzimy - przy okazji duzo innych osob tez moze sie czegos nauczyc.
Ludzie nie chca dawac ani wchodzic na nieznane www.adresy, bo niestety juz mieli nieprzyjemnosci z tego.
Wiec to ma byc list o napisaniu instrukcji dla babci ktora pierwszy raz uzywa emaila i mam jej wszystko doklandie wytlumaczyc pokolei ;)

When you have your computer running..

1. Use, the thing on the table (it is called MOUSE). You must press the LEFT button on it.
2. On the desktop you can see many icons. Look through them and try to find one entitled “MOZILLA FIREFOX”.If you found it, you must press twice the left button.
3. The website is open now. On the top of the page you can see long free space where you must write the address of the page you want to obtain e.g www.wp.pl , using keyboard.
4. If the page is open, on the left ou can see some icons. One of them (the FIRST one) is titled “POCZTA”. Click on it.
5. The next page is open. Then you have to write your LOGIN and HASŁO, that your granddauther gave you and click on ZALOGUJ
6. Your post is open. You must click on NAPISZ. Here you can find some free spaces.
On the first one (called DO) you should write email [email]
7. This sign- @ is called MOUSE, too. If you want to do it, you must find on the
keyboard a button titled SHIFT and number 2 on the top and press them together ;) DONE.
8. To write something you have to use keyboard, as well. You can make it by writing on
the biggest area of the page. Here you can use you imagination and write whatever you wish to. 
9. If you finished, press WYSLIJ at the bottom of the website.
10. Everything. WELL DONE
Zamienilam sie w twoja 90-letnia babcie, ktora absolutnie nic nie wie o komputerach i to tak widze:

When you have your computer running..
1. Use, the thing on the table (it is called 'A mouse). You must press
the LEFT button on it. (once czy twice?)
2. On the desktop (co to desktop?) you can see many icons (co to icon?). Look through them and try to find one entitled “MOZILLA FIREFOX". If you 'found' (FIND) it, you must press 'twice the left button' (ale left button czego?).
3. The website is open now. On the top of the page you can see 'A' long
free space where you must write the address of the page you want to
obtain (a gdzie te strony sa?) e.g www.wp.pl ,using 'keyboard' (co to keyboard?). (A wtedy nic nie musze robic? Cos to nie dzialan napisalam i to tam jest i nic sie nie robi)..
4. If the page is open, on the left you can see some icons. One of them
(the FIRST one) is ENtitled “POCZTA". Click on it (ile razy i czym, co to znaczy click?).
5. The next page is open. Then you have to write your LOGIN and HASŁO,
that your grandDAUGHTER gave you and click on ZALOGUJ
6. Your post is open. You must click on NAPISZ. Here you can find some
free spaces.
On the first one (called DO) you should write email [email]
7. This sign-@ is called A 'mouse' (nie, nie tylko w jez polskim mowimy na to 'malpa' - jest inaczej w jez. ang.), too. If you want to do 'it' (to znzaczy co?), you must find on the keyboard a button titled 'SHIFT and (a button) number 2 on the top and press them together ;) DONE.
8. To write something you have to use keyboard, as well. You can make
'it' (ale co?) by writing on the biggest area of the page. Here you can use you imagination and write whatever you wish to. 
9. 'If' (chyba When) you HAVE finished, press WYSLIJ at the bottom of the website.
Poprawilam :) A ogolnie gramatycznie jest to dobrze? Jak masz jeszcze jakies pomysly to bardzo prosze, np z dodatkowym slownictwem. Zalezy mi na dobrej ocenie ;) Dzieki. Pozdrawiam

When you have your computer running..

1. Use the thing on the table (it is called ‘A MOUSE’). You must press the LEFT button on it.
2. On the big screen in front of you (similar to TV set) you can see many different illustrations. Look through them and try to find one entitled “MOZILLA FIREFOX”.If you find it, you must press twice the left button on the MOUSE.
3. The website is open now. On the top of the page you can see a long, free space where you must write down the address of the page you want to obtain e.g www.wp.pl , using the rectangular box with many buttons. Later on you must find on the box one button entitled ‘ENTER’ and press it once.
4. If the page is open, on the left you can see some illustrations. One of them (the FIRST one) is entitled “POCZTA”. Click on it only once, using MOUSE.
5. The next page is open. Then you have to write your LOGIN and HASŁO, that your granddaugther gave you and click on ZALOGUJ
6. Your post is open. You must click on NAPISZ. Here you can find some free spaces, as well.On the first one (called DO) you should write email [email]
7. This sign- @ is called MOUSE, too.(what is the other meaning??) If you want to make this symbol, you must find on the box a button entitled SHIFT and a button number 2 on the top and press them together ;) DONE.
8. To write something you have to use box, as well. You will be able to drop sb a line if you use the biggest area of the page. Here you can use you imagination and write whatever you wish to. 
9. When you have finished, press WYSLIJ at the bottom of the website.
10. Everything. WELL DONE 
Poprawilam jeszcze, - jak piszemy instrukcje to musza byc tak wyrazne, zeby ktos, kto o niczym nie wie to zrozumial.
wyglada ok - jak @ jest w adresie to mowimy 'at' ...zuzia 15 'at' poczta...
1. Use the 'thing' (napisz jak to wyglada, jaki kolor ma) on the table. (THERE ARE TWO buttons on the top of it, one on the left and one on the right).
You must press the left button on it (once? twice?).
(DODAJ to....The mouse has a little arrow, so that when you move it, the arrow moves too. ".
2..If you find it, (move the arrow of the mouse to it) and you must press the left button TWICE on the MOUSE.
3..free space where you must write 'down' (niepotrz) the address of the page you want to obtain e.g www.wp.pl. YOU DO THIS BY using the rectangular box with many 'buttons' (or keys).
3..'Later on' (THEN) you must find on the box one button entitled 'ENTER' and
press (OR CLICK) it once. ..Click on it only once, using THE mouse.
6. Your post is NOW open.
..If you want to make this 'symbol' (lepiej SIGN), 'you must find on the box' (lepiej ..On the flat box in front of you you must find) a button entitled SHIFT and THEN a button (which shows) number 2 on the top LINE and THEN press them BOTH together.
8. To write something you have PRESS THE KEYS ON THE box. You will be able
to WRITE TO SOMEBODY OR drop 'sb' ('sb' tego napewno ne zrozumie twoja babcia - lepiej somebody a line) if you use the biggest area of the page IN FRONT OF YOU ON THE SCREEN. Here you can use youR imagination and write whatever you wish to.
9. When you have finished WRITING, press WYSLIJ at the bottom of the website.
jeszcze jedno, dokladnie wytlumacz, zeby napisac @ to trzeba przycisnac najpierw 'shift' i czymac palec na nim, a wtedy ten key z @.
Eh, dzieki za pomoc :) Naprawde. Kurde niby taki prosty list;/ A jak sie pisze- The website is open NOW czy NOW open?? Bo tam jest jeszcze jedno takie zdanie..The post is now open? A shift i 2 mozna razem nocisnac wiec ok:) Pozdrawiam
Jeszcze raz poprawka:)

When you have your computer running..

1. Use the blue, oval, little thing with cable which you can see on the table (it is called ‘A MOUSE’). Here are two buttons on the top of it, one on the left and one on the right. You must press once the LEFT button on it. The mouse has a little arrow, so that when you move it, the arrow moves too.
2. On the big screen in front of you (similar to TV set) you can see many different illustrations. Look through them and try to find one entitled “MOZILLA FIREFOX”.If you find it, move the arrow of the mouse to it and press the left button TWICE on the MOUSE.
3. The website is now open . On the top of the page you can see a long, free space where you must write the address of the page you want to obtain e.g www.wp.pl . You do this by using the rectangular box with many keys. Then you must find on the box one button entitled ‘ENTER’ and press it once.
4. If the page is open, on the left you can see some illustrations. One of them (the FIRST one) is entitled “POCZTA”. Click on it only once, using MOUSE.
5. The next page is open. Then you have to write your LOGIN and HASŁO, that your granddaugther gave you and click on ZALOGUJ
6. Your post is now open. You must click on NAPISZ. Here you can find some free spaces, as well.On the first one (called DO) you should write email at [email]
7. This sign- @ is called MOUSE, too. If you want to do this sign, on the flat box in front of you, you must find a button entitled SHIFT and then a button which shows number 2 on the top line and then press them both together ;) DONE.
8. To write something you have press the keys on the box, as well. You will be able to drop somebody a line if you use the biggest area in front of you on the page. Here you can use your imagination and write whatever you wish to. 
9. When you have finished writing , press WYSLIJ at the bottom of the website.
10. Everything. WELL DONE 
now open...
w tym ostatnim, nie wzielas pod uwage moich ostatnich poprawek.
W 8 powinno byc napisane .. on the screen. Pomylka. Ale jeszcze cos?
zobacz te poprawki ktore napisalam o godz 10.39 - na @ po ang. nie mowimy 'mouse' - i tutaj jest problem. Po ang. na @ mowimy 'at'- to tylko w jez. polskim jest 'myszka'
Wiec moze po prostu w ten sposob?

7. If you want to do this sign @, on the flat box in front of you, you must find a button entitled SHIFT and then a button which shows number 2 on the top line and then press them both together ;) DONE
Dzieki za pomoc :)) Jak cie sie jeszcze cos rzuci w oczy to daj znac. Pozdrawiam
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


Pomoc językowa


FCE - sesja wiosenna 2007