prosze o sprawdzenie mojego opisu

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
bardzo prosze o sprawdzenie mojej pracy

My house has two floors and it is built of red brick. He has the sloping, brown roof and one balcony.
The house has a garage, a bedrooms, a kitchens, a dining room, a bathroom, a guest room, a basement. Windows are on the north wall. By the house a little cell is standing. There is a small garden in front of the house where grow trees, bushes and different flowers. An area are quiet and nice and neighbors are very kind. Not far of house there are three shops, a bus terminus and a church. There are also forests and small ponds in the vicinity. There is also a park of games for children.
My house has two floors, and it is built of red brick. It has a sloping, brown roof and one balcony.
The house has a garage, a bedroom, a kitchen, a dining room, a bathroom, a guest room, and a basement. Windows are on the north wall. By the house a little cell is standing.(?) There is a small garden in front of the house where trees, bushes and different flowers grow. The area is quiet and nice and the neighbours are very kind. Not far from the house there are three shops, a bus terminal and a church. There are also forests and small ponds in the vicinity. There is also a park of games(?) for children.

Jeseli chcesz pisac po polsku, to bede mogla lepiej pomoc.
bardzo ci dziękuje za sprawdzenie

w zdaniu przy pierwszym znaku zapytania chodziło mi oto że Obok domu stoi mała komórka.
w zdaniu przy drugim znaku zapytania chodziło mi oto że Tam jest też plac zabaw dla dzieci

prosiłbym też o sprawdzenie zdań które troche wzbogacą opis:

1. Dom jest odnowiony i ocieplony.
2. Wejście na posesje od strony północnej.
3. Działka jest bardzo dobrze oświetlona.
4. Wewnątrz domu ściany są wyciszone i pomalowane na niebiesko.
5. Dom ma centralne ogrzewanie i kominek.
6. przed domem stoi altanka.
1. The house is renovated and insulated.
2. Going properties up from the north side.
3. The plot very well is lighted.
4. Inside the house walls are quietened and painted blue.
5. The house has central heating and a fireplace
6. Before house stay a summerhouse.


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