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Series attacks of the World Trade Center performed Al Qaeda. The name is given to an international alliance of militant terrorist organizations. This attack had place on September 11, 2001.
The tragedy has started since moment when hijackers have abducted four planes. When they have taken control over aircraft they directed it on known objects in America. First of plane has smashed about hour 8:46 a.m. on the North Tower. Seventeen minutes later, 9:03 a.m., group of terrorist has crashed the second plane on South Tower. The third aircraft has blasted Department of USA defense, last plane has smashed on fields in Pennsylvania, because brave passengers of flights 93 line United gave back personal life for people in World.
After some time both of towers have fallen down.
A series of attacks on the World Trade Center were performed by Al Qaeda. Al Qaeda is the name
given to an international alliance of militant terrorist
organizations. The attacks took place in New York City on September 11, 2001.
The tragedy started when the hijackers abducted four
>planes. After they took control over the planes they aimed them at
>two famous towers in America. The first plane hit the North Tower at 8:46
>a.m. Seventeen minutes later, at 9:03 a.m., a group of
>terrorists crashed the second plane on the South Tower. The third
>aircraft crashed into the United States Department of Defense building. The last plane
>smashed into a field in Pennsylvania after brave passengers of flight
>93 sacraficed their lives and attacked the hijackers.
>After some time both towers fell down.
...World Trade Center were 'performed' (nie, to slowo tutaj nie pasuje ...carried out) by ..
After they took control 'over' OF the planes they..
..Pennsylvania after THE brave passengers..


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