pomuszcie.na jutro muszę to zrobić

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
wyrazy w nawiasach należy podać w odpowiedniej formie:
zrobiłem i proszę o sprawdzenie

1) past simple, past continous or past perfect simple

1a) joanne(had locked)all the doors before she(went)to bed.she(walked)up the stairs and(went)straight to her bedroom.she(had just fallen)asleep when she(heard) a strange noise.she(got up)and(walked)slowly down the stairs.

1b) after lucy and I(found)a nice spot on the beach, we(put on)our swimsuits and(diveed) into water. a few minutes later we(were swimming)near the shore when suddenly lucy(started)screaming for help.I(was trying)to swim to her but something(grabbed)her and she(disappeared)below the surface right before my eyes.

1c) -oh, dear!(did she hurt) herself?
-no,thank goodness, but she was upset because her doll(broke)and we had to throw it away!

2) past simple or past perfect simple

diana(had never seen)an elephant before she went to africa.
he didnt read the book until he(had taken)the dog for a walk.
by the time martin completed his report, everyone(had gone)home.
she(didn`t want)to watch the film as he had seen it before.
tom(had already had)dinner at his friends house, so she didnt need to cook for him.
wg mnie
1a - ok.
1b - ok - ale 'dived'
1c - ok
2 - ok - ale 'she' ..didn`t want as 'he'
Wlasne imiona, kraje itp - duza literka. Joanne, Lucy...
1 a) ok, tyle, ze moze "she was just falling asleep"
1 b) pis. DIVED, poza tym OK
1 c) had broken?

a) OK
b) Probuje zrozumiec, o co chodzi w tym zdaniu. Wydaje mi sie, ze powinno byc odwrotnie: "He hadn't read the book until he took the dog for a walk", ale co ma jedno wspolnego z drugim?
c) OK
d) OK
e) OK




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