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Aleksander has been friend of my boyfriend. I first met him two years ago,when we was at the same party. He was there with his friends,just like me. My boyfriend was talked with him,so I talked with him too and he told me that he lives in house near to me. Now we have a really good friendship.

Aleksander is a quite tall man with short black hair,dark eyes and amazing smail. He has got scar on his round ,sun-tanned face with short nose.He prefers wearing a baggy T-shirt and trousers. He actually look older than he has,because when he has 22 years,he looks like a 27 or 28. He has got tattoo on the leg.

He is a frank person, because he always says exaxtly what he is thinking about You,but he tended to be aggresive when someone will nervous him. Olek is carefree and outgoing person,he loves meeting new people but with reserve. He hate when someone lies him, but he is really petty and stubborn person, sometimes we talk one hour to [uzgodnic] where we go,because it must be there where he today want.

Aleksanders loves cars, he can talk about it for hours. For one year he has got four cars ! He loves parties too, just like me, so we often go to parties together. And he really interesting cultures and visit new coutries. This is his hobby : visit and meet new friends there where his now.

He always makes me happy. I can't imagine my life without him. I spend lot of time with him . All in all I love Aleksander, because he is the best friend whenever I have.
"Aleksander has A been friend" , "when we WERE", "My boyfriend was TALKING with him", "I talked with ALEKSANDER" (w poprzedniej wersji sugerujesz, że narrator rozmawiał ze swoim chłopakiem), "told me that he LIVED" (reported speech - mowa zależna bodajże), "Now we are really good friends" (brzmi naturalniej), "smile" (zamiast "smail" w drugim wersie II akapitu), "He has A scar" (bez "got"), "with A short nose", "he actually LOOKS older than he IS, because WHILE BEING 22, he looks AS IF HE WAS" - sry że tylko połowa pracy, ale mam mało czasu, wielkimi literami zaznaczyłem zmiany, jeżeli były to tylko pojedyncze słowa/wyrażenia.



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