Rozprawka do sprawdzenia

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
"Internet chatrooms do not serve a useful purpose"
The advantages of chatrooms are ubdeniable. To begin with, their topics often concern with sensitive and taboo issues, which may be to difficult to adress in real world, like suicide, homosexuality or mental illness. What is more, thanks chatrooms we can communicate with different people, who live in another country and speak in another language. When we want to talk in english, we musn't go to UK or America, it very less cost when we join to english chatroom. Thirdly, sometimes in chatrooms we can talk about historic or science topics with another students or together solve difficult problems. Through this, we broaden our knowledge.
On the other hand, the arguments against chatrooms are extremely convincing. Many people who visit chatrooms, are not there to discuss academic subjects. Often on-line conversations are not very deep. Secondly, the informations in chatrooms are not cheking, so you can think you learn something but later you find out it was wrong. What is more, if you are spending a lot of time in chatrooms, do you have time to socialising in the real world?
All in all, although people have some strong arguments against chatrooms, in my opinion they serve a useful purpose. Nevertheless, we must be extremly caution using this modern communication method.
The advantages of chatrooms are 'ubdeniable' (ortog|). To begin with, their
topics 'often concern with' (popraw to nie jest gram) sensitive and taboo issues, which may be 'to' (zled slowo-popraw) difficult to 'adress' (ortog) in real world, 'like' SUCH AS suicide, homosexuality or mental illness. What is more, thanks (tu brakuje cos) chatrooms we can communicate with
different people, who live in another country and speak 'in' (niepotr) another
language. When we want to talk in English, 'we musn't go' (nie, nie tak, poszukaj jak to ma byc napisane) to UK or TO America, it very 'less cost' ('cost'-jest zla czescia zdania) when we join 'to' (niepotr) AN English chatroom. Thirdly, sometimes in THE chatrooms we can talk about historic or science topics with 'another students' (popraw to mieszasz l. poj i l. mn) or together solve difficult problems.
Secondly, the 'informations' (to slowo nie istnieje w jez. ang-popraw) in chatrooms are not 'cheking' (ortog i zly czas), so you can
think you ARE learnING something but later you find out it was wrong. What is
more, if you are spending a lot of time in THE chatrooms, do you have time
to 'socialising' SOCIALIZE in the real world?
Nevertheless, we must be extremly 'caution' (zle slowo i zla czesc zdania) using this modern communication method.