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Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
In my opinion people the most appreciate adulthood. it's time when everyone is responsible for that to what they do. Adult people must work and make money but They are free. They can get married, do that what they want and starting a family. Adulthood show for us good and bad moment but only we can choice which is the best for us in our life. The most problematic stage of life is adolescence. First true love, first kiss, first pimple on face and first rebellion. Everything is for us new. We get to know ourself. I would like to be again child. Children have fantastic world in their head. They have a lot of imagination and can enjoy everything. Childhood is carefree time and the best stage of life.
In my opinion people 'the' (nie rozumiem co czego to slowo sie odnosi, cos tu nie tak) most appreciate adulthood.' it's' (poczatek zdania, duza litera) time when everyone is responsible for that 'to what' (cos mi to smierdzi translatorem, bo to jest typowa polska kalaka gdy tlumaczy sie slowo za slowem) they do. 'Adult people' (nie, jest slowo 'Adults') must work and make money but 'They' (mala litera, znowu mi to smierdzi like a fart in a lift) are free. They can get married, do 'that' (niepotrzebne slowo) what they want and 'starting' (zle slowo, tutaj 'start') a family. Adulthood show for us good and bad 'moment' (good and bad to sa 2 rzeczy i potrzebuje l. mnogiej rzeczownika) but only we can 'choice' (tutaj jest potrzebny czasownik, a nie rzeczownik) which is the best for us in our life.
First true love, first kiss, first pimple on (tutaj brakuje przedimka) face and first rebellion. Everything is (tutaj potrzeba slowa na odpowiedz 'jakie? nowe') for us 'new' (w zlym miejscu). We get to know 'ourself' (nie, tutaj slowo 'ourselves'). I would like to be (brak przedimka) again child. Children have (brak przedimka) fantastic world in their head.
Childhood is (brak przedimka) carefree time and the best stage of life.

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