comparative (tu)

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Balance statement, profit and loss in accordance local GAAP and IFRS, now it is required also to present the bridge between local and IFRS
Profit and loss (comparative and calculative)

to zdanie jest bardzo dziwne, ale 'comparative' (tutaj znaczy 'do porownania z czyms)
to sa bardzo techniczne terminy, raczej nalezy sie udac do jakiegos glownego ksiegowego
Balance statement, profit and loss in accordance local GAAP and IFRS, 'now' (nie rozumiem po co to slowo tutaj jest, to jest za niskie slowo na temat) 'it is required' (to jest zle, tutaj trzeba...there is a requirement) also to present the bridge between local (ale co? tu brakuje slowa) and IFRS Profit and loss (comparative and calculative)



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