Sprawdzenie wypracowania

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Witam bardzo bym prosił o sprawdzenie wypracowania. Jego tematem było napisanie o restauracji w formie bloga.

One week ago I was in a new restaurant on Green street with my mom. We heard that it's excellent restaurant so we decided to check it. The restaurant is called (tu sobie wpisze nazwe restauracji, jeszcze nie wiem jaką) and offer wide variety of meals. I prefer traditional dishes so I ordered broth with noodles and pork chop with potatoes and beetroots. The soup was amazing. I have never eaten such a good soup. The pork chop was a little too salty but it was good anyway. My mom ordered spaghetti carbonare. She said: "It's really good but I make better spaghetti". The Staff was polite and professional. If you want to eat delicious dinner, you should visit this restaurant. What is your favorite restaurant with good dishes in our city? Looking forward to reading your comments.
ogolnie dobrze, niewiele bledow

np. przedimki przed excellent restaurant, wide variety, pork chop
check it out
offer to która osoba?
She said,
czemu _S_taff? Leopold?
+ te przedimki
The restaurant is called (tu sobie wpisze nazwe restauracji, jeszcze nie wiem jaką) and 'offer' (restaurant-it-3os.l.poj) (przedimek) wide variety of meals. I prefer traditional dishes so I ordered (przedimek) broth with noodles and pork chop with potatoes and beetroots.
I have never eaten such a 'good' (mozna uzyc slowo 'delicious') soup.
The Staff 'was' (staff tutaj to l. mnoga. Wg mnie, 'the staff were', chociaz wiem, ze w AmE 'staff was., widze, ze piszesz AmE to jest o.k.) polite and professional. If you want to eat (przedimek) delicious dinner, you should visit this restaurant.
...but it was good otherwise.
spaghetti carbonara /chyba/
edytowany przez Aaric: 27 wrz 2016
Jeżeli ta restauracja jest w Polsce to nie tłumaczymy nazwy ulic.
Cytat: Aaric
...but it was good otherwise.
spaghetti carbonara /chyba/

Napewno masz racje. Inspector Montalbano napewno by mi w tym pomogl.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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