Tabela czasów angielskich

Present Continuous Am I writing a book now?
Is he writing a book now?
Are they writing a book?
Present Simple Do I write books?
Does he write books?
Present Perfect Have I written a book?
Has he written a book?
Present Perfect Continuous Have I been writing a book?
Has he been writing a book?
Past Simple Did I write a book yesterday?
Did he write a book yesterday?
Past Continuous Was I writing a book all day long?
Were you writing a book all day long?
Past Perfect Had I written a book?
Had he written a book?
Past Perfect Continuous Had I been writing a book?
Had he been writing a book?
Future Simple Will I write a book?
Will he write a book?
Future Continuous Will I be writing a book?
Will he be writing a book?
Future Perfect Will I have written a book by the end of the week?
Will he have written a book by the end of the week?
Future Perfect Continuous Will I have been writing a book?
Will he have been writing a book?
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Mogli byście także dać tłumaczenia do zdań. By unaocnić różnice między nimi.

moim zdaniem przy tym zestawieniu czasów ,.brakuje doadtkowych slówek okreslajacych czas np,: yet, already , które by pomogly zlapac róznice miedzy czasami. Okreslenia czasowe sa uzyte tylko w 4-ech zdaniach , a powinno byc wkazdym , mnie by to np. bardzo pomoglo , bo na zawolanie , tych czasów nie rozrózniam .