Maslow's hierarchy of needs

Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a theory in psychology proposed by Abraham Maslow in his 1943 paper A Theory of Human Motivation, later extendedto extend: powiększać, wydłużać, udostepniać, przedstawiać. He formulated a hierarchy of human needs, and his theory contends thatto contend that: twierdzić że, utrzymywać że as the basic needs are met humans desire higher needs.

Pyramid of needs

Maslow's hierarchy of needs is often depicted as a pyramid consisting of five levels: the four lower levels are grouped together as deficit needs, the top level is referred to as being needs. While deficit needs can be met, being needs are a continuing driving force. The basic idea of this hierarchy is, that higher needs come into focus only after all needs lower in the pyramid are met. Growth forcesforce: siła, moc result in upwarddo góry, skierowany w góre movement on the hierarchy, whereasgdy, podczas gdy, natomiast regressive forcesforce: siła, moc push prepotentgórny, dominujący, przeważający needs down in the hierarchy.

Deficit needs
The deficit needs (also termed D-needs by Maslow) are:

Physiological needs
The body aims to achieve homeostasis, an equilibrium of different factors (water contentzawartość, treść of the blood, salt contentzawartość, treść, sugar contentzawartość, treść, protein contentzawartość, treść, fat contentzawartość, treść, calcium contentzawartość, treść, oxygen contentzawartość, treść, constant hydrogen-ion level/acid-basekwasowo-zasadowy level, constant blood temperature). This is obtainedto obtain: uzyskiwać, dostawać, otrzymywać with food, drinks, sleep, shelter, fresh air, a proper temperature, etc. If all of a human's needs are unmet then the physiological need takes the highest priority. Given hunger for love and food, a human is more likely to find a solution for the latterdrugi, ostatni, pozostały first. As a result all of the other desires and capacitiescapacity: możliwości, zdolność are pushed on to the back burnerna później.

Safety needs
When the physiological needs are met then the human turns towards safety needs. Safety attainsto attain: osiągać, zaspokajać the highest priority over all other desires. A functioning society tends to provide this to its members. Recent examples of failure include Somalia and Afghanistan. Sometimes the desire for safety outweighs the desire to easily satisfy physiological needs; for example, during Kosovo War many residents of Kosovo chose to inhabit a secure area instead of an insecure area, the latterdrugi, ostatni, pozostały having more definite access to food. In the United States, government and media propaganda could much more easily manipulate public opinion after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks; fear of insecurity factors powerfully into social calculusrachunek.

However, in the case of acuteostry, przenikliwy danger, safety comes before physiological needs (for example eating).

Love needs (belonging needs)
If safety and physiological needs are met then the human being gravitates towardsto gravitate towards/to: skłaniać się ku achieving fulfilment of love needs. A note worth making here is that sex is not equivalent toodpowiadający, równoważny z love. While love can and is often expressed sexually, sexuality can at points be considered solelycalkowicie, jedynie, wyłącznie for its physiological basis.

Esteem needs
This refers to the valuation givenjeżeli, pod warunkiem, biorąc pod uwagę to oneself by other people.

Being needs

Self-actualizationaktaulizacjia, urzeczywistnienie
Self-actualizationaktaulizacjia, urzeczywistnienie (a term originated by Kurt Goldstein) is the instinctoidinstynktowny, odruchowy need of a human to make the most of their unique abilities. Maslow described it as:

A musician must make music, the artist must paint, a poet must write, if he is to be ultimately at peace with himself. What a man can be, he must be. This need we may call self-actualisation. (Motivation and Personality, 1954)
While other needs can be met fully, self-actualizationaktaulizacjia, urzeczywistnienie is seen as "growing", i.e. as a continuing driving force. This is related to tikkun olam in the Jewish tradition — using one's skills to fix what is broken in the world.

However, it is seen that not everyone ultimately seeks self-actualizationaktaulizacjia, urzeczywistnienie, as a strict reading of Maslow's hierarchy of needs seems to implysugerowa, oznaczać, pociągać za sobą:

  • Viktor Frankl's book Man's Search for Meaning describes his psychotherapeutic method (logotherapy) of finding a reason to live.

  • Albert Einstein actually was drawn toward the sense of mystery in life. See Abraham Pais' Subtle is the Lord.

  • Others seek good works, like Mother Teresa.

  • Others are drawn toward the dark side of the human condition.

These individuals would not be noted in the history books, however, if they hadn't used their native writing, therapeutic or altruistic gifts in a way different from most. They were aggridants.

While Maslow's theory was seen as an improvement of previous theories of personality and motivation, concepts such as self-actualizationaktaulizacjia, urzeczywistnienie are somewhatnieco, dość, w pewnym stopniu vagueniejasny, mętny, niesprecyzowany. This makes it problematic to operationalize and test Maslow's theory. There is no proof that every person has the ability to become self-actualized. Further, in an extensiverozległy, obszerny review of research using Maslow's theory, Wabha and Bridwell (1976) found little evidence for the ordering of needs that Maslow selected or whether in fact a strict hierarchy exists at all. Some people feel that the theory and its concepts have been overused. For instance, a reference to the theory occurs in many undegraduate organizational behavior textbooks without any acknowledgement of the flawsflaw: błąd, wada in the theory. The word self-actualizationaktaulizacjia, urzeczywistnienie is therefore sometimes perceivedto perceive: spostrzegać, dostrzegać, zauważać as psycho-babblepsychopapka.

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to extend

powiększać, wydłużać, udostepniać, przedstawiać

contends that
to contend that

twierdzić że, utrzymywać że

to decipt

przedstawiać, zobrazować


do góry, skierowany w góre


siła, moc


gdy, podczas gdy, natomiast


górny, dominujący, przeważający




zawartość, treść





to obtain

uzyskiwać, dostawać, otrzymywać


jeżeli, pod warunkiem, biorąc pod uwagę


drugi, ostatni, pozostały


możliwości, zdolność

on to the back burner

na później

to attain

osiągać, zaspokajać




ostry, przenikliwy

gravitates towards
to gravitate towards/to

skłaniać się ku

equivalent to

odpowiadający, równoważny z


calkowicie, jedynie, wyłącznie


szacunek, respekt


aktaulizacjia, urzeczywistnienie


instynktowny, odruchowy


dokłasny, ścisły, wierny


sugerowa, oznaczać, pociągać za sobą


nieco, dość, w pewnym stopniu


niejasny, mętny, niesprecyzowany


rozległy, obszerny


błąd, wada

to perceive

spostrzegać, dostrzegać, zauważać

