Zawody po angielsku (jobs in English) – ćwiczenia leksykalne

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Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

Wybierz właściwe słowa, żeby uzupełnić zdania.

  1. This dress was made by my favourite  .

  2. I have to speak to my   tomorrow morning.

  3. This   is an expert in French history.

  4. I believe the orchestra has a new  .

  5. Which   has done the plans for your new house?

  1. A   I met says he can replace my windows in a day.

  2.   sometimes say something simply to get votes.

  3. Mike has a lot of stress and is unhappy. He should see a  .

  4. The   told me the shoes I want will be in stock next week.

  5. Janice is the   of the local newspaper.

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Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
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to jest scam jurnalist moze pracowac w gazecie scamerzy ,
nie pozdrawiam.