Ćwiczenia leksykalne z języka angielskiego dla średnio zaawansowanych


Correct the spellings to complete the sentences.

Popraw pisownię wyrazów, aby uzupełnić zdania.

  1. We place a lot of emaphiss on satefy where I work because we handle dangerous chemicals.

  2. The faerute about my time in Bolivia will be in the next edtiion of the local paper.

  3. I'm opiticitms that getting this contract will esnure the future of the company.

  4. It's virlutaly impossible to sreet the car in its present condition.

  5. Your precdoitni that Maurice would turn out to be irinspebleros was quite accurate.

  1. What's the pnoit in my having a door if it doesn't allow me any pviacyr ?

  2. Don't worry too much about the qulaity but concentrate on the financial ascpest .

  3. With a little inscrttioun from me, your son could become an excellent tolrai .

  4. We were all shocked when David unedcpxeetyl became vileotn towards one of the guests.

  5. Protestors plan to ocyupc a vancat plot of land to deny builders access to the site of the old cinema.

Więcej ćwiczeń dla Słownictwo angielskie - poziom średniozaawansowany B2:
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poprzestawiane są litery w słowach!!