Czy mógłbym mi to ktoś przetłumaczyć PILNE

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Witam prosiłbym o przetłumaczenie na język polski poniższego tekstu. Z góry dziękuję.


· Unapplied and unidentified payments handling
· Dispute management and drive to resolution
· Block order release management
· Collecting cash in accordance with collection policy
· Delivery of PEC activities in line with the internal deadlines
· Performing other AR activities agreed with S&N in the scope such as: refunds, direct debits, recharges, IC reconciliation, netting etc.
· Assure tasks are performed in compliance with accountancy, tax, local, legal rules and customer accounting standards
· Resolve all appearing issues and queries
· Possess accountancy systems related knowledge (SAP, IDMS)


· Minimum Bachelor’s Degree
· Fluent English
· Excellent communication skills
· Analytical, process-minded, reliable
· MS Office products knowledge
· Economic/administration background will be an advantage
· SAP knowledge will be an advantage
· Experience in CRC/Finance/Accounting will be a strong advantage
po co ci to, skoro tam jest wymagany angielski, ktorego nie znasz


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