Prosze o sprawdzenie.

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
To zadanie z jednego z poprzednich egzaminów. Co myślicie o napisanym przeze mnie liście? Prosze o poprawę błędów i wasze opinie Od razu zaznaczam, że nie jestem zbyt dobry w pisaniu tego typu tekstów.

Dear Sir/ Madam

First of all I would like to express my sincere gratitude for the invitation to the opening of the Longridge Arts Centre. It was a real pleasure to take part in that event.

I must admit I was quite impressed. The Arts Centre seems to be a success. I found the exhibition in the Art Gallery to be fascinating. The Arts Library is just splendid. I think the cafe has a lovely atmosphere and it serves delicious food as well.

However, as you know, our College made a deal with you that hasn’t been properly fulfilled by your side. As a secretary of Student Committee I feel obliged to point this out to you.

Firstly, we expected that our students would have access to a recording studio, but apparently there isn't any in the centre. There are also music and rehearsal rooms for hire but not free of charge. I suppose students wouldn't be glad if they had to pay for them. Above all, you promised us a 10% discount on all tickets, not the stated 5%. I would like to express my strong discontent with this fact.

Taking into consideration what has been mentioned above, I urge to arrange a meeting with you to discuss those issues.

Yours Faithfully
Dear Sir/ Madam, (ja lubie przecinek tutaj)

It was a real pleasure to take part in 'that' (cos mi jakos to sie nie podoba, moze 'this') event.

I must admit I was quite impressed (with what?) .
I found the exhibition in the Art Gallery 'to be' (niepotr) fascinating.

However, as you know, our College 'made a deal' (to troche nie tak) with you that 'hasn’t' (w calosci) been 'properly' (zle slowo, tutaj 'completely') fulfilled by your side. As a secretary of THE Student Committee I feel obliged to point this out to you.

Firstly, we expected that our students would have access to a recording studio, but apparently there 'isn't any' (teraz pomysl, czy 'is not any' ma jakis sense, tutaj ..this facility is not available at..) in the centre.
I suppose students 'wouldn't be glad if they had' (napisz to inaczej...are not particularly glad if they have) to pay for them.
...I would like to express my strong 'discontent with this fact' (tego to nawet nie rozumiem)...zle zdanie napisz to inaczej.

Taking into consideration 'what has been' (to nie kalkowe...tak nie mowimy...napisz the baove mentioned matters/items) mentioned above, I urge (komu? czemu?) to arrange a meeting with 'you' (to niema sensu) to discuss 'those' THESE issues.

Yours 'Faithfully' (mala litera)
Jeśli bym mógł także prosiłbym o sprawdzenie i opinie. To jest character reference z CAE.

To whom it may concern


Ann Johnson and I had been studying in the same university, where we first met. After graduation we did voluntary work in Brazil for over 5 months. From that time, it was over 7 years ago, we have worked together in local kindergarten. Through that time, I have got to know her very well, both as a colleague and as a friend.

When it comes to Ann`s personal features, there is lot of to say. Never before have I met such a reliable and gregarious person. What is more, I found her as very helpful and creative. Ann is known as a friendly and energetic companion.

In terms of her attitude to children, she is absolutely stunning. She has built up great relationships with children. She is very enthusiastic about her work. Not only is she conscientious but also hard-working. In fact, I would go as far as to say that she is never tire of having fun with children.

On the other hand I regret having to say anything negative about Ann but she sometimes forgets about some crucial meetings and is rather unpunctual. It happened to me quite often that I had been waiting for her about an hour. Nevertheless, she is aware about it and she is trying to change it.

Ann informed me recently that she is looking for a new challenge, and I am sure that from this description she will be only one possible candidate. She would undoubtedly do an excellent job, and I have no hesitation in supporting her application.

Terri, dzięki za pomoc. Tu poprawiona wersja:

Dear Sir/ Madam,

First of all I would like to express my sincere gratitude for the initiation to the opening of the Longridge Arts Centre. I was a real pleasure to take part in this event.

I must admit I was quite impressed. The Arts Centre seems to be a success. I found the exhibition in the Art Gallery fascinating. The Arts Library is just splendid. I think the cafe has a lovely atmosphere and it serves delicious food as well.

However, as you know, our College made an arrangement with you that has not been fulfilled by your side. As a secretary of the Student Committee I feel obliged to point out this out.

Firstly, we expected that our students would have access to a recording studio, but apparently this facility is not available at the centre. There are also music and rehearsal rooms for hire but not free of charge. I suppose students are not particularly glad if they are to pay for them. Above all, you promised us a 10% discount on all tickets, not the stated 5%. I would like to express my strong discontent with this fact.

Taking into consideration the aforementioned matters, I insist on arranging an additional meeting to discuss those issues.

Yours faithfully
First of all I would like to express my sincere gratitude for the 'initiation' (invitation) to the opening of the Longridge Arts Centre. 'I' (It) was a real pleasure to take part in this event.

As a secretary of the Student Committee I feel obliged to point 'out' (niepotr) this out.

I suppose students are not particularly 'glad' (daj tutsaj 'happy') if they are to pay for them. Above all, you promised us a 10% discount on all tickets, not the stated 5%. I would like to express my strong 'discontent'(daj 'dissatisfaction') 'with this fact' (nie, tutaj ...'about this').

Taking into consideration the aforementioned matters, I insist on arranging an additional meeting (daj kiedy - dzien, data i godzine, your earliest convenience) to discuss 'those' (these) issues.