hi. i am new to poland and would like to find work as a native speaker in the tarnow area.

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
i am able to travel sensible distances and i am new to this work although i am committed to delivering good service. if anyone is interested or could help me in my progress i would like to hear from you very much. I can negotiate prices depending on circumstances.
thankyou for your time.
in English?
When you are advertising yourself, be good enough to use what is to everyone acceptable English...Well, at least try.....
I am able to hepl you since I live in Tarnów and I get on well with some language schools. So if you
still are looking for work, write me: [email]
Regarding my original post. Wow your'e right, I have no idea why it came out like that. It translates the page to "I am new to the USA", and it has started the beginning half way through the sentence? Do you know why that may be perhaps?
As for the "non-use" of my shift key, well that was lazy or me, and not the best way to advertise ones self. I put this advert up on the spur of the moment, but as i am now taking this much more seriously, I would like to correct my idleness, and thank you for pointing this out.
Hi Iain,
My name is Robert. I run language school in Tarnów and I'm looking for english native speaker. If you still interested just drop me a line. It's my email address: [email] For detaled information go to www.mobile-english.pl
All the best


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