Living in the US of A

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well, tell that to all the people who line up to get into the US in search of a better life. how weird it should be that one's man's junk is another's marvel!
tell that to all the people who daily line up to get into the us in search of better life! or to those who are actually already IN the country, working their asses off, pursuing what you all disparagingly call 'the american dream'. it's funny how one man's trash should be another's man marvel!!!
tell that to all the people who daily line up to get into the us in search of better life! or to those who are actually already IN the country, working their asses off, pursuing what you all disparagingly call 'the american dream'. it's funny how one man's trash should be another man's marvel!!!
sth's must be wrong wiht my internet. this msg was a response to the one posted by pzzp a couple posts up....

btw, as always, it's nothing personal!
Hey Rita:)
napisz cos wiecej o stanach ile tam jestes i w ogole:D
znam jezyk ale nbie baaaaaardzo doglebnie jest szansa sie dogadac w USA:P???i jak jest z wiza?jesli mozesz cos powiedziec jestem studentka 3-go roq w Stanach nigdy nie bylam ale znajomi namawiaja mnie na wyjazd na te wakacje please napisz jak jest w konsulacie co jest potrzebne alby wize uzyskac?????z gory sliczne dzieki
" In America, anybody can be president. "

Anybody is.
There will always be people who line up for a "better life". Undoubtedly, despite its shortcomings, USA is still better than some other places.
spoken like a true canadian :)
the .ca is a real giveaway eh?
well, technically nothing is certain anymore in the age of internet, but i'm just used to seeing .ca in my canadian friends' mail. :)

btw, i don't think it's such a good idea to have this new address thing displayed! bling, bling!! it's kinda like saying - log on, dude, or everyone will know what or who you are!
ooh, and btw pzzp: this 'eh' thing - nice!!! :))))
Hlehlehlehle!True Canadian....
Xl, thumbs up!
someone's relocated, huh?

i take it back! the address thing IS fun :))
well, you know how it's said Canada was named?

When the founders got together to decide, they figured the best way would be to put letters of the alphabet into a big hat, and the eldest would draw them. The designated one proceeded, and called the letters out loud:
C, eh?; D, eh?; N, eh? And that was Canada.
sorry - I had that in the wrong order, s/b:
C, eh?; N, eh?; D, eh? And that was Canada.
good one!!!! :)
Maybe Word helps to pass all parts ofUSMLE:) as it is good for heaving office job?
Poniewaz jestes zorientowany w tem.mam pytania: Mam zieloną ale do ukonczenia specjalizacji brakuje mi 1,5 roku - mam rozterke co robic?Ile zajmie mi przygotowanie do step IiII w USA?
I don't get it. Why Americans hate Canada so much?! Especially after what you said it seems to be a better place than States. I've been to Canada. I'd never live there, but I liked it. Have YOU been there... ?!
And one more thing, if you loathe America so much, what are you doing there. Come back to Poland. I'm sure people like you can have a glittering career everywhere :)
"Eh" is one of the characteristic features of Canadian speech; Americans make fun of Canadians and Canadians make fun of Americans cause there are some differences in pronunciation (cultural differences contribute to the "conflict"). regards:)
wanna learn english? visit this canadian site and look for polish jokes ,you will learn english easy and quick...
a better site is ,find the forum then search polish jokes ,i'ts a pretty good site for the jokers
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