Powstanie nazwy 4 Non Blondes.

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Mógłby ktoś odgórnie przetłumaczyć fragment genezy zespołu 4 Non Blondes?

It is believed that they decided upon their name, 4 Non Blondes, while in a park in San Francisco, when the four were having pizza together in the park. An incident occured whereby a little boy and his family wandered by and the boy wanted to get some left-over pizza to feed the birds in the park with. The band members observed that the parents/family behaved like "blondes" or "very blonde" and naive, telling their little boy he couldn't have the pizza because it was dirty from all the birds and people in the park. (what the heck? The women had just been eating and enjoying the pizza but simply had left-overs - nothing wrong with the pizza... something sort of wrong with the explanation the "blonde-acting" parents gave their son, right?). The parents followed this up with sending the band members a dirty look and then moved on...

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dzięki ;)


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