Proszę o sprawdzenie tekstu (techniczny) - do ulotki branżowej.

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.

Proszę o sprawdzenie tekstu branzowego. Chyba nie do końca to dobrze przetłumaczyłem. NIe jestem pewny paru formuł (np. czy przy wyliczaniu dodawać th; on the deck, at the quay itp.)
Zwrócić także uwagę na inne sformułowania.

Electrical Department
Project 44
Electricians of PROJECT 44 is a qualified team of reliable employees with years of experience in the profession.
We are flexible, so it is not a problem for us to carry out electrical work on board while travelling, on the dock, at the quay, in the workshop or in our repair hall.

Our woring group commutes to contractors in every corner of the world to precisely match the expectations and solve the electrical problem. We will help with qualified professionals, who together create a timetable for the necessary electrical work while avoiding obstacles and reducing costs of the project.

We provide a wide range of electrical services, among others:
Thermal Measurements
Installation of switchboards
- Main switchboards
- Auxiliary switchboards
Electrical installations
Alarm systems
- The detection fire system
- Bilge alarm system
assembly of installation generators Volvo Penta, Scania, Cummins, Stamford
and other...

We are an energetic team of skilled electricians working together from the beginning to the end of the task. Long-term internship joint action resulted in a rapid progress of future projects. We do not waste time and therefore access road team is able to get to the contractor within 24 hours. This allows us to close location to the airport in Goleniów (approx. 73 km) and Berlin (approx. 240 km).

Employees of the department of electrical PROJECT 44 have books sailing which allows us to work while traveling vessels.
We provide a wide range of services, which is still growing so you may want to direct specific questions about relevant projects, electrical project manager.

We are there where you need us.
Electricians of PROJECT 44 'is ' (tutaj l.mnoga, dlatego ze 'electricians' to l. mnoga) a qualified team of reliable employees with years of experience in the profession.

Our 'woring' (nie, tutaj chyba 'working') group commutes to contractors in every corner of the world to precisely match the expectations and solve 'the' (o.k. ale ja dalabym 'any') electrical problem. We will help with qualified professionals(,) (niepotrzeba przecinka) who 'together' (niepotr) create a timetable for the necessary electrical work while avoiding obstacles and reducing costs of the project.

'FIELDS OF ACTION' (cos nie za bardzo mi to siedzi...mozna 'areas of expertise')
'The' (niepotr, bo w zadnym innym zdaniu tego nie masz) detection fire system
and other...(ale tutaj brakuje reszty) (mozna 'all known makes')

'TEAM ELECTRICAL' (zla kolejnosc slow, tutaj Electrical team)
'Long-term internship joint action' (tego cos nie rozumiem) HAVE resulted in a rapid progress of future projects. We do not waste time and therefore THE/OUR access road team is able to get to the contractor within 24 hours. This allows us 'to' (niepotr) close location to the airport in Goleniów (approx. 73 km) and Berlin (approx. 240 km).

Employees of the department of electrical PROJECT 44 have 'books sailing' (nie, znowu arse over tit, tutaj 'sailing books') which allows us to work while travelLing ON vessels ( ON travelling vessels).
We provide a wide range of services, which is still growing so you may want to direct specific questions about relevant projects TO THE electrical project manager.

We are there where AND WHEN you need us.