
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Jak usunąć adres ze skype??? Podałam swój adres i chce go usunąć. Prosze o wskazówki.
Nie da się usunąć. Możesz jedynie nie wyświeltać maila dla innych. Znajdziesz to w opcjach.
If I put my email address in my profile will other people be able to see it?

No. Your email address is encrypted, so no one can see it when looking at your profile. It is stored in our directory only so that friends who already know your email address can use it to search for you.

If you want to view or change any of the details in your profile, click Skype > Profile > Edit Your Profile.... Your details are split into three sections: those that everyone using Skype can see; those only your contacts can see, and those that no one can see. Change any of the details, then click Update.


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie


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