what's your english vocabulary size?

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
estimate it here : http://testyourvocab.com/

what's your score? How long have you been learning English?

14,800, since high school
edytowany przez Bednar87: 25 sty 2012
after taking the test again and including the words I have seen before, but couldn't recall what they meant I got 17,400.

Share your scores :)

mine here, checked the boxes next to those I knew, don't know really. I can't possibly imagine how these test scores can be equated with communicative competence when push comes to shove, you know, if cockneys started to schmooze like a wind-up toy or some texan went crazy with his southern drawl, being tight as a drum after cracking a six-pack.

Anyway, my favorite :
parsimonious, squelch, bludgeon (good), puny. ( btw, Samuel Clemens was a “puny child”)

It's probably just for data collection purposes. Once they have enough data, they'll run it through SPSS and amend the test to make it valid. Or not. Not sure how reliable the test is, either. A reliable test on the same object (same person here) should yield about the same results every time the object is subjected to the test.

One major problem that I can see right off the bat with this test is people checking words they are familiar with, but whose meaning they don't necessarily know. Plus, I'm sure there will be many people checking off words randomly just to obtain a higher score thus rendering the test invalid.

Bednar took the test twice and obtained significantly different results. Granted, he didn't follow instructions :)

Given that we only have a silly email address for contact information, I doubt that this is a serious research project. So, use it responsibly: for fun only.
I got 18,000. Been school learning for 10+ years (2-year business English course included) but that means nothing. Been self studying for about 5 years (on and off).
>>.....I doubt that this is a >>serious research project. So, use it responsibly: for fun only.

I'll be less euphemistic. Of course it's a scam. There's no doubt about it. Use it whatever way ?
Already forgotten it existed.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


Pomoc językowa - tłumaczenia