I need to pivot

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Hi, my friend from the US very often uses the word 'pivot" - I need to pivot after a family gathering.
Does it mean to catch the balance ×?in that kind of a sentence?
a shift in direction/ changing some aspects of his life/ a shift to a new strategy
edytowany przez chippy: 05 sty 2023
Oh cool, thanks!
Kilka dni temu w "The Wall Street Journal" ukazał się artykuł p.t. "China’s Covid Easing and Policy Pivots Brighten Outlook for Stocks. Investors expect a bumpy ride as China rapidly unwinds pandemic restrictions and refocuses on economic growth."

I właśnie w nim chodziło o nową strategię/zmianę w polityce: "Taken together, the changes all point to a brighter outlook for China’s economy and stocks in 2023..."


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