List do redakcji. Proszę o sprawdzenie:))

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Witam:) Mam prośbę;) Czy mógłby ktoś sprawdzić, czy mój list jest dobrze napisany? Bardzo proszę;))

Dear Sir/Madam

The purpose of this letter is to express my satisfaction with the views present in your article. J feel interested in the subject of this article and J would like to share my opinions.

Personally, I feel very upset, when young offenders and drug addicts commit thefs or crime and I think that they should be properly punish. Teenage criminals have to appropriately understand their mistake and guilt. They should aim to upturn, change their life for better and break a habit.

In my country young offenders land up in prison for few yearsl or borstal , when they are under age. Often they are sentence to community service too. In my opinion the prison or borstals of course are appropriate punishment for teenage thiefs.

I look forward to reading the opinions of other readers od your newspaper. I wuld like to hear from readers how in their country are treatment young offenders.

I hope my opinions will meke this discussion even more interestinh.

Yours faithfully,

Z góry dziękuje:)
The purpose of this letter is to express my (satisfaction-nie bardzo tutaj ) CONCERN ABOUT the views presentED in your article ( appeared on the ??)
I (feel interested in the) napisz ‘ WAS SOMEWHAT INSPIRED BY THE subject RAISED IN THE article and I would like to share my opinion.

Personally, I feel very upset when young offenders and drug addicts commit thefTs or ( other petty ?) crimeS and I think that they( ambiguous- who 'they'? ) should be properly punishED. Teenage criminals have to appropriately understand ( do you realize what you just did ? You split the infinitive, how dare you ?:) their mistake and guilt.
(They should aim to upturn,) nie tak ,napish ;
‘ IF THEY WANT TO’ change their life for THE better THEY HAVE TO break THE habit.
( jesli juz to ‘THE better’ i ‘THE habit’ ) ale tez mi ladny ‘habit’:), napisz zamiast ‘ break the habit’ moze ‘STOP BEING A CRIMINAL AND START LIVING AN HONEST LIFE’ ( jest takie tez ‘go straight’ ale w tym lisciku to sie moze nie spodobać nauczycielowi.)

In my country young offenders land up in prison or in ( napish o JUVENILE DETENTION CENTERS for A few years (or borstal- po co Ci to ‘stare dziwadlo ?) , when they are under age. Often they are sentenceD to community service too. In my opinion the prison or JDC ( as above ) of course are appropriate punishment MEASURES for (teenage thiefs.) DELINQUENT TEENAGERS.

I look forward to reading the opinions of other readers of your newspaper. I wOuld like to hear from THE readers how (in their country are treatment young offenders.) THIS PROBLEM IS SOLVED IN THEIR COUNTRIES.

(I hope my opinions will meke this discussion even more interestinh. ( popraw literowki )

Nie lubie zabardzo poprawiać bo jak zaczynam to mi ‘swedzi całosc przepisac tak jakbym ja to pisal a nie na tym rzecz polega.