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Describe your English Teacher
English is the most popular language in the world and it is important to can speak in it. But first, it's a necessary to somebody teach it us. I am lucky because I have really good English teacher.
Her name is x . She has got medium lenght, straight, blond hair, pale skin and she is medium height. She is aldo quite young. Ms x usually wears soft (chodzi o stonowane kolorystycznie) clothes, more seldom she uses bright colors. But the most important thing is what teacher she is. I knew she before I came to gymnasium, because she teached my brother. He liked the she teaches and now I must agree with him. She can explain each grammar rule. In fact I think we write too much on our lessons but it may be useful - if I forgot something I would check this. Ms x is very calm and patient, thought it isn't easy, studenst in gymnasium are rude, unpolite and a bit crazy. I think she doesn't like jokes very much on lessons but sometimes she laugh with us. Some of pupils have incredible ideas, there is no way, everyone must smile. One thing I know for certain - she doesn't like not done homework but it have big adventage. Even worse students try to do their homework or cheat it from someone. She's also very demanding and creative. Not many teachers encourage to make performances, shows or posters. She organizes a lot of competitions too. Both language contest and other for example conected with art.
I don't know what more I could write about my English teacher but I think it's enough to imagine what teacher is Ms x.
English is the most popular language in the world and it is important 'to can speak' (popraw) 'in' (niepotr) it. But first, it's 'a' (po co to 'a' tutaj?) necessary 'to' (zle slowo) somebody (cos brak) teach it (cos brak) us. I am lucky because I have (cos brak) really good English teacher.
She has got medium 'lenght' (ortog), straight, blond hair, pale skin and she is (cos brak) medium height. She is 'aldo' (ortog) quite young. Ms x usually wears 'soft' (zle slowo, tutaj 'neutral') clothes, more seldom she uses bright colors. But the most important thing is what (tu brak pare slow) teacher she is. I knew 'she' ('she' to znaczy 'ona' a tutaj potrzeba 'ja') before I came to (cos brak) gymnasium, because she 'teached' (popraw, to niereg) my brother. He liked 'the' (niepotr) 'she' (zle slowo) 'teaches' (zle slowo) and now I must agree with him.
In fact I think we write too much on our lessons but it may be useful - if I 'forgot' (zly czas) something I would check this. Ms x is very calm and patient, 'thought' (ortog) it isn't easy, 'studenst' (ortog) in (cos brak) gymnasium are rude, 'unpolite' (popraw) and a bit crazy. I think she doesn't like jokes very much 'on' (popraw, zle slowo) lessons but sometimes she 'laugh' (popraw, she-3os.l.poj) with us. Some of (cos brak) pupils have incredible ideas, there is no way, 'everyone must smile' (tego nie rozumiem). One thing I know for certain - she doesn't like 'not done homework' (zla kol slow...homework...) but it 'have' (it-3os.l.poj-HAS) (cos brak) big 'adventage' (ortog). Even worse students try to do their homework or 'cheat it' (popraw) from someone.
Not many teachers encourage (ale kogo?) to 'make' (zle slowo, poszukaj inne) performances, shows or posters.
Both language contestS and other (ale co?) for example 'conected' (ortog) with art.
I don't know what more I could write about my English teacher but I think it's enough to imagine what (brak 2 slowa) teacher 'is Ms x' (zla kol slow...Ms.X is)


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