Sprawdzanie - Streszczenie artykułu

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Shopping malls bring us combination of entertainment and shopping. This American concept becomes convinced in Europe and in south-east Asia as well.
One of the basic reasons for popularity of malls is variety of included shops. Under one roof you can browse books, listen to CDs, find designer clothes or casual wear. The list of things you can buy is long.
Few hours shopping can be tiring, but malls encourage us with lounge music to be heard everywhere. We have variety of catering places from American-style fast food outlets to oriental restaurants.
Designers make sure that children are certainly not forgotten. Bunch of the entertainment is provided by malls to enable parents to take time out from shopping with their children.
Even adults may spend their pastime in malls. Not only bars and restaurants but also cinema complexes and night clubs give a lot of fun. Some malls have hotels in them.
Of course all of those advantages are made for basic reason, to part consumers from their money, in case of unplanned expenditures all malls contain banks.
To make us feeling of being in safe environment malls employs security staff, whole area is monitored with cameras, sometimes there are even first-aid stations.
Mall is modern form of shopping, it satisfies different consumers demands, brings variety of entertainment in one place and provide us with a sense of security.


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