I want to explain 'examples in this essay and show how it works.' (cos mi tu nie tak czyta sie)
Firstly, many 'of' (po co to 'of'?) students live in poor home countries.
Problems such as 'broken' (to nie serve zeby jego lamac...) government, starving citizens or wars can be (brak przedimka) reason(,) (niepotr przecinka) why people want to study abroad. For example, when we have possibilities and the knowledge (ale czego? do czego?) we do not want to be limited by country which is limited too.
Secondly, in some countries, education can be 'on' At (brak przedimka) low level but in other countries we have plenty of possibilities to learn. Some countries do not have universities or universities which have 'low level of teaching' (cos mi tu nie gra) with professors without 'require competences' (cos tu nie tak) . 'Among these disadvantages' (jakos to zle to zdanie zaczales) many people want to study in countries 'on' (kalka xz polskiego NA, tutaj AT) (brak przedimka) higher level. Degrees obtained in these countries give us 'a' (po co to 'a' tutaj?) work in many of companies.
It can be helpful when we have a language experience and we want to study in 'english' (dlaczego mala litera?). Studying abroad can change our 'live' (tutaj daj rzeczownik a nie czasownik). New places and studying can be (brak przedimka) great association.
However study abroad can be dangerous because new places and people 'can be others' (cos tu nie gra) so we don’t know these people.
For example we sit 'on' (you sit ON a chair, but you listen AT A) lecture 'so' (cslkowicie zle slowo) we can’t understand everything.
To sum up studying abroad is (a gdzie przedimek? co to?) really good idea.
....My example shows that studying abroad can be also helpful to get a higher education.... (cos tutaj maslo maslane, studia prawie we wszystkich kraja daja wyzsza education)