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“Laboratory studies show that Saluda Natural Spring Water contains several of the minerals necessary for good health and that it is completely free of bacteria. Residents of Saluda, the small town where the water is bottled, are hospitalized less frequently than the national average. Even though Saluda Natural Spring Water may seem expensive, drinking it instead of tap water is a wise investment in good health.”

In the argument above, scientists claim that drinking bottled water is better for human’s health. Even the price is high, it is important to pay more for good frame of mind. This conclusion is based on good, healthy components in Saluda Natural Spring Water.

First, the argument wrongly assumes that the lower number of people hospitalized in Saluda is thanks to the Saluda Natural Spring Water. The research does not consider factors like for example the climate, the size of the city etc. It is impossible to claim that only because of the bottled water citizens are healthier.

Moreover, one must understand that not every tap water is worse than bottled one. According to Newsweek recently research showed that for instance in Poland the majority of mineral water in supermarkets is far more worse than the running water. Of course the water in supermarkets is also more expensive and it is pointless to spend a money on it when the average citizen in Poland has a better water in his tap.

Finally, people can find the minerals necessary for good health in different food. Many scientists say that eating vegetables or fruits five times a day is enough to deliver the body all necessary vitamins and minerals. There is no need to buy high mineralized water because all essential components have already been given to our organisms.

In conclusion, the argument in a health–and–fitness magazine is flawed because it assumes superiority bottled water above tap water. Furthermore, there is no evidence of connection between the health condition of Saluda’s citizens and their water. Before making such statement it is necessary to do more researches.
Cytat: ania9220
In the argument above, scientists claim that drinking bottled water is better for human’s HUMAN health. Even the price is high=NAWET CENA JEST WYSOKA, it is important to pay more for PRZ good frame of mind. This conclusion is based on STWIERDZENIU/WYKRYCIU good, healthy components in Saluda Natural Spring Water.

First, the argument wrongly assumes that the lower number of people hospitalized in Saluda is OWED to the Saluda Natural Spring Water. The research does not consider factors like for example the climate, the size of the city etc. It is impossible to claim that only because of the bottled water citizens are healthier.

Moreover, one must understand that not every tap water A SA ROZNE KRANOWKI? is worse than bottled one. According to Newsweek recently=OSTATNIO research showed that for instance in Poland the majority of mineral water in supermarkets is far more worse BARDZIEJ GORSZA than the<-USUN running water. Of course the water in supermarkets is also more expensive and it is pointless to spend a NIEPOLICZALNE money on it when the average citizen in Poland has a better WODA TEZ NIEPOLICZALNA water in OFF/FROM his tap.

Finally, people can find the minerals necessary for good health in different food MA BYC MNOGA LUB Z KINDS OF. Many scientists say that eating vegetables or fruits<-ZLA FORMA LICZBY MNOGIEJ five times a day is enough to deliver<-ZLE SLOWO the body all necessary vitamins and minerals. There is no need to buy high=WYSOKA mineralized water because all essential components have already been given SA LEPSZE SLOWA to our organisms BODIES .

In conclusion, the argument in a ALE WIESZ, W KTORYM health–and–fitness magazine is flawed because it assumes superiority JAK SIE WYRAZA DOPELNIACZ PO ANGIELSKU bottled water OVER tap water. Furthermore, there is no evidence of PRZ connection between the health condition of Saluda’s citizens and their water. Before making such statement it is necessary to do more researches<-NIE MA LICZBY MNOGIEJ.
In the argument above, scientists claim that drinking bottled water is better for human health. Even though the price is high, it is important to pay more for a good frame of mind. This conclusion is based on discovery all good, healthy components in Saluda Natural Spring Water.

First, the argument wrongly assumes that the lower number of people hospitalized in Saluda is owed to the Saluda Natural Spring Water. The research does not consider factors like for example the climate, the size of the city etc. It is impossible to claim that only because of the bottled water citizens are healthier.

Moreover, one must understand that not every tap water {A SA ROZNE KRANOWKI? - właśnie chodzi o to, że pomiędzy regionami się różnią, więc nie wiem czy tak można powiedzieć?} is worse than bottled one. According to Newsweek latest research showed that for instance in Poland the majority of mineral water in supermarkets is far worse than running water. Of course the water in supermarkets is also more expensive and it is pointless to spend money on it when the average citizen in Poland has better water from his tap.

Finally, people can find the minerals necessary for good health in different kinds of food. Many scientists say that eating fruit or vegetables five times a day is enough to providethe body all necessary vitamins and minerals. There is no need to buy highly mineralized water because all essential components have already been supplied to our bodies.

In conclusion, the argument in the health–and–fitness magazine is flawed because it assumes superiority JAK SIE WYRAZA DOPELNIACZ PO ANGIELSKU (?) bottled water over tap water. Furthermore, there is no evidence of the connection between the health condition of Saluda’s citizens and their water. Before making such statement it is necessary to do more research.

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