Wypracowanie J.Angielski

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Witam bardzo serdecznie wszystkich czytających ;) Prosiłbym o sprawdzenie tego listu

Napisz list do swojej koleżanki z UK w którym odpowiesz na jej zaproszenie dotyczące twojego przyjazdu

Podziękuj za zaproszenie i poinformuj koleżankę, ze nie możesz go przyjąć
Wyjaśnij przyczyny odmowy
Zaproponuj koleżance aby odwiedziła ciebie i zachęć ją do uczestnictwa w jakimś wydarzeniu
Podaj proponowany termin wizyty i wyraźnie nadzieje ze uda wam się spotkać.

Dear Nicole,

I was very happy to hear from you. Thanks for the pictures that you sent, they are wonderful. Thank you for the invitation to come to you on holidays, and I would like to come to your place to see you. But, unfortunately, I can't come, because I finally got the job, which I dreamed of. I have worked only for a week and I can't take a vacation.
I would like to write a few words about my new job. I work as a bartender at a well-known youth club "Light". You can't imagine, they had 32 candidates at only two vacancy! All of us tried to do best. And I won again! Now I work in the club. It's so interesting. Every day I meet new people, listen to good music. I'm happy. I hope that you will find work too. But I really miss you and want to meet. Let's discuss the proposed date of my visit and I clearly hope to come to your place.
I think it is enough for today. I have to go to work.
Write soon.
Best wishes to your family.
