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Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Witam, uprzejmie proszę o sprawdzenie i poprawienie błędów. Z góry dziękuję :)

If you are not satisfied with visiting the mountains and experiencing them only from comfortable observation points, then lake Morskie Oko is for you.

What is it?

Morskie Oko is the largest and fourth deepest lake in the Tarta Mountains. It is located deep within The Tatra National Park. Morskie Oko is one of the most popular destinations in Tatras, often receiving over 50,000 visitors during the vacation season.

What can I see?

The stroll you need to take is worth what you will see at the end of the trip. The lake surrounded by massive mountains. It is fantastic, water is so clear! The mountains are wonderful and they mirror in the lake. Absolutely beautiful and breathtaking view.
You must know that Morskie Oko is very popular place and that's make it very busy.

Where can I stay?

You can stay at the hut by the Morskie Oko (Schronisko Górskie PTTK Morskie Oko). There is a restaurant for dinner and breakfast with great traditional Polish food.
If you are not satisfied with visiting the mountains and experiencing them 'only' (cos to 'only' nie za bardzo mi sie tu podoba) from comfortable observation points, then (tu brakuje przedimka) lake Morskie Oko is for you.

Morskie Oko is the largest and fourth deepest lake in the 'Tarta' (nie, slowo jest Tatra) Mountains.
Morskie Oko is one of the most popular destinations in (brak przedimka) Tatras, often receiving over 50,000 visitors during the 'vacation season' (rozumiem o co chodzi, ale trzeba byc wiecej precyzyjnym od kiedy do kiedy).

The stroll you need to take is worth what you will see at the end of the 'trip' (zle slowo). The lake (brak czasownika) surrounded by massive mountains. It is fantastic, (przedimek) water is so clear! The mountains are wonderful and they 'mirror' (chyba zle slowo, tutaj 'reflect'?) in the lake. (przedimek) absolutely beautiful and breathtaking view.
'You must know' (za bardzo kondesending) 'that' (niepotr) Morskie Oko is (przedimek) very popular place and 'that's make it' (napisales...'that is make it' - to jest zle, trzeba ..that makes it) very busy.

Dziękuję uprzejmie :) Mam jeszcze dwa pytania. Przedimek to a/an tak? Co znaczy kondesending?
Cytat: aquadigger
Dziękuję uprzejmie :) Mam jeszcze dwa pytania. Przedimek to a/an tak?...
... i jeszcze jeden;)
tak, predimki to 'the, 'a', i 'an'.
Napisalam 'kondescending' ale teraz widze, ze powinnam napisac 'condescending' - to mozna poszukac w slowniku. W tekstach, nie pisz 'you must know' tylko poszukaj inne okreslenia. Mozesz np. uzyc 'It is well known, It is known...'.
Ja też nie wiem co kondesending znaczy. /w tym zdaniu/;))
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


Pomoc językowa - tłumaczenia