bardzo proszę o pomoc

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Jak w temacie. Bardzo proszę o korektę ewentualnych błędów :-)

The firm was established in 1989 by Katarzyna .... who is fashion passionate. She always sought to achieve her goals, connected with creation of special things. In 2007 firm was named in honour of her "Kate".
Everything started in Wroclaw in 1961 when was born Kasia. She attended to clothing school, where with passion and determiation developed her abilities. After graduated she started work in sartorial institution, but she did not feel satistaction. Over time Katarzyna decided to realize her dreams and she set up own firm. At first it was located in her 26 square metres flat. In 1992 "Kate" changed place and it became family business until now.

We create with passion and thought about needs and tastes our customers. Their pleasure motivates us to further development. Our products stand out the highest quality i.a. through well-developed machinery.
We strive to make our individual customers as well as companies and institutions satisfied.

The offer contains sewing and alteration:
- leather wear,
- furs,
- coats and jackets and other products.
The firm was established in 1989 by Katarzyna .... who is 'fashion passionate' (zla kol slow i cos brakuje). She always sought to achieve her goals, connected with (przedimek) creation of special things. In 2007 (przedimek) firm was named (tutaj daj imie) in honour of her. '"Kate"' (w zlym miejscu).
Everything started in Wroclaw in 1961 'when was born Kasia' (hello - czy to translator zawalil? czy po prostu to jest slowo w slowo z polskiego - w ang. sa inne zasady). She attended 'to' (niepotr) clothing school, where with passion and determiation (kto? musisz napisac. Nie mozemy sie przeciez domyslac) developed her abilities. After 'graduated' (zla czesc mowy) she started (cos brak) work in (przedimek) sartorial institution, but she did not feel 'satistaction' (ortog ale i tak zla czesc mowy). Over time 'Katarzyna' (dlaczego raz ja nazywasz 'Kasia' a pozniej 'Katarzyna'? Dla ang. to 2 inne imiona) decided to realize her dreams and she set up (cos brak) own firm.
In 1992 "Kate" 'changed place' (z kim? musisz dokladniej napisac o co chodzi) and it became (przedimek) family business (tu brak 2 slowa) until now.

'We' (to znaczy kto? ty i ja?) create (musisz napisac co) with passion and thought (tu brak 2 slowa) about (przedimek) needs and tastes (brak slowa) our customers.
Our products stand out (tu brak pare slow) the highest quality 'i.a' (napisz to dokladnie) through (przedimek) well-developed machinery.
We strive to make our individual customers as well as companies and institutions satisfied.

Dziękuję ślicznie. Postarałam się zmienić te błędy, jednak nie udało mi się wszystkiego skorygować. Wygląda to teraz tak:

The firm was established in 1989 by Katarzyna .... who is a lover of the fashion. She always sought to achieve her goals, connected with a creation of special things. In 2007 a firm was named "Kate" in honour of her.
Katarzyna was born in Wroclaw in 1961. She attended clothing school, where with passion and determiation she developed her abilities. After graduate she started to work at sartorial institution, but she did not feel satisfied. Over time Katarzyna decided to realize her dreams and she set up her own firm. At first it was located in her 26 square metres flat. In 1992 "Kate" became a family business until now. (tutaj sama nie wiem jak wygladala sytuacja, gdzie została firma przeniesiona, wiec wolalam to usunac. Jednak dalej nie wiem czy "family business" jest w porządku?)

Our firm create clothing with passion and thought of the customers needs and tastes. Their pleasure motivates us to further development. Our products stand out among others the highest quality among others things through a well-developed machinery.
We strive to make our individual customers as well as companies and institutions satisfied.

The offer contains sewing and alteration:
- leather wear,
- furs,
- coats and jackets and other products.

Nie zrozumialam uwagi "tu brak 2 slowa". Czy mam zlikwidować, czy czegos brakuje? Nie rozumiem.
Dziękuję raz jeszcze.
np: her honour
clothing school?
Nie mogłam znaleźć jak jest w j, angielskim "szkoła odzieżowa" oraz właśnie "na czyjąś cześć"...
tutaj sama nie wiem jak wygladala sytuacja, gdzie została firma przeniesiona, wiec wolalam to usunac
Można było napisać w sensie firma się przeprowadziła
edytowany przez Aaric: 28 lip 2014
Cytat: Aaric
tutaj sama nie wiem jak wygladala sytuacja, gdzie została firma przeniesiona, wiec wolalam to usunac
Można było napisać w sensie firma się przeprowadziła

"In 1992 the firm was moved and "Kate" became a family business until now. " Czy tak jest w porzadku?
The firm was established in 1989 by Katarzyna .... who is a lover of the fashion. She always sought to achieve her goals, connected with a creation of special things. In 2007 a firm was named "Kate" in honour of her.
Katarzyna was born in Wroclaw in 1961. She attended Garment Industry School where with passion and determiation she developed her abilities. After graduate she started to work at sartorial institution, but she did not feel satisfied. Over time Katarzyna decided to realize her dreams and she set up her own firm. At first it was located in her 26 square metres flat. In 1992 the firm was moved to a larger location and "Kate" became a family business until now.

Our firm create clothing with passion and thought of the customers needs and tastes. Their pleasure motivates us to further development. Our products stand out among others the highest quality things through a well-developed machinery.
We strive to make our individual customers as well as companies and institutions satisfied.

Poprawiłam jeszcze kilka błędów.
Widzę że wolisz in honour of chociaż nie wiem dlaczego.
Może być dress making school, fashion school, seamstress school itp
Moim zdaniem powinnaś zrobić małą poprawkę w zdaniu o metrażu mieszkania.
Przeoczyłam Twoją sugestię i już poprawiła na "in her honour".
Co do metrow kwadratowych.. to nie mam pojęcia. Jakaś podpowiedzieć?
Zmienilam tez realize na realise. Trzymam się brytyjskiego.
domyslilam sie ze chodzilo o zmiane na amerykanskie "meters"? Czy po zmianie "realize" na "realise" obecna forma "metres" jest ok?
Jak sie w UK mówi dwulitrowa coca cola?
Two-litre coke :P
edytowany przez karolinaeng: 28 lip 2014
Podobnie będzie z tymi metrami.
Dzieki :-)
witam serdecznie,
proszę o sprawdzenie poprawności zdania :
when nothing goes right, go left.
czy ten przecinek jest potrzebny ? czy nothing jest correct czy może anything ?
z góry dziękuję!
jest ok z przecinkiem i nothing. Moze lepiej byloby uzyc 'is going'
nastepnym razem zaloz osobny watek, ok?
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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Business English