List do przyjaciela nt. nowej znajomości.

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Proszę o sprawdzenie poprawności technicznej, i ewentualną korektę zdań.

My new friend

Dear Tom,
I'm writing to tell you about my new friend. His name is Paul. Few days ago he moved to my school and joined to my class . He sat to my bench and we started talking. It turned out that he lives now only a few streets from my house so we often go back together after school.
Paul has black hair and brown eyes and he is a low height. Despite this, he is very athletic. He usually wears sports clothes.
He is nice to me and I can joke with him. He culturally asks me If he did not know something. During the classes in groups Paul always good works with me.
I think Paul is a good person worthy of trust. Has an interesting personality, so we can well get along.
That’s all I wanted to say. I’m looking forward to hear from you soon.
Keep well, XYZ
Cytat: BankaiGoku
My new friend

Dear Tom,
I'm writing to tell you about my new friend. His name is Paul. BRAK Few days ago he moved to my school and joined USUN->to my class . He sat ZLE->to my bench and we started talking. It turned out that he lives now only a few streets from my house so we often go back together after school.
Paul has black hair and brown eyes and he is a low height RACZEJ NISKI. Despite this, he is very athletic. He usually wears sports clothes.
He is nice to me and I can joke with him. He culturally asks me If he did not PYTA, CZY NIE WIEDZIAŁ? know something. During PRACY the classes in groups Paul always good <-DOBRY PRACUJE works with me.
I think Paul is a good person worthy of trust. PODMIOT. TO Z TRANSLATORA? Has an interesting personality, so we can MOZEMY? well<-NA KONCU ZDANIA get along.
That’s all I wanted to say. I’m looking forward to hear <-ZLA FORMA from you soon.
Keep well, XYZ
Nie wiem jedynie, jak poprawnie sformułować zdanie w znaczeniu "On usiadł do mojej ławki i od razu zaczęliśmy rozmawiać" ==> "He sat down to my desk and we started talking."

I jak teraz?
My new friend

Dear Tom,
I'm writing to tell you about my new friend. His name is Paul. The few days ago he moved to my school and joined. He sat down to my desk and we started talking. It turned out that he lives now only a few streets from my house so we often go back together after school.
Paul has black hair and brown eyes and he is short. Despite this, he is very athletic. He usually wears sports clothes.
He is nice to me and I can joke with him. He culturally asks me If he do not know something. During work the classes in groups, Paul always doing good job.
I think Paul is a good person worthy of trust. He has an interesting personality, so we get along well.
That’s all I wanted to say. I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Keep well, XYZ
During work the classes in groups,
Cytat: BankaiGoku
Nie wiem jedynie, jak poprawnie sformułować zdanie w znaczeniu "On usiadł do mojej ławki i od razu zaczęliśmy rozmawiać" ==> "He sat down to my desk and we started talking."

My new friend

Dear Tom,
I'm writing to tell you about my new friend. His name is Paul. The NIE few days ago he moved to my school and joined. He sat down to my desk and we started talking. It turned out that he lives now only a few streets from my house so we often go back together after school.
Paul has black hair and brown eyes and he is RACZEJ short. Despite this, he is very athletic. He usually wears sports clothes.
He is nice to me and I can joke with him. He culturally asks me If he do ZLA FORMA not know something. During work TAM BYLO COS SKRESLONE, PRAWDA? the classes in groups, Paul always doing ZLA FORMA, BRAK SLOWA good job. JAK TY NAPISALES TEN LSIT, SKORO ROBISZ TAKIE BLEDY?
I think Paul is a good person worthy of trust. He has an interesting personality, so we get along well.
That’s all I wanted to say. I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Keep well, XYZ
My new friend
Dear Tom,
I'm writing to tell you about my new friend. His name is Paul. The (CO "NIE?!!) few days ago he moved to my school and joined. He sat down to my desk and we started talking. It turned out that he lives now only a few streets from my house so we often go back together after school.
Paul has black hair and brown eyes and he is rather short. Despite this, he is very athletic. He usually wears sports clothes.
He is nice to me and I can joke with him. He culturally asks me If he do ZLA FORMA not know something. During work in groups, Paul always doing ZLA FORMA, BRAK SLOWA good job.
I think Paul is a good person worthy of trust. He has an interesting personality, so we get along well.
That’s all I wanted to say. I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Keep well, XYZ

Nie wiem sam już co wstawić w pogrubione miejsca...(Chodzi mi o poprawność formy)
wstawiles zle slowo przed few
no to pracuj nad czasami, skoro musisz.
A few days ago
poczytaj sobie o roznicy miedzy few i a few.
He culturally asks me If he do ZLA FORMA not know something. During work in groups, Paul always doing ZLA FORMA, BRAK SLOWA good job.

A co z tymi dwoma zrobić?
poprawić, co co chodzi?
:D Ale w jaki sposób, na jaką formę?
jak napisales te wszystkie pozostale zdania, skoro z tymi masz problem?
present simple
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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