prosze o sprawdzenie zdań

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
1)Why are you angry to me? It was only joke
2)Why are you laughting Did I say somting funny
3) what happend in your finger Oh nothing I cut my finger when I was cuting onion
4) Why are you listening to music so loudlly? I have tomorrow difficult exam and I must learn turn down the radio
5)Suzan is so inquisitive, she always asking me a lot of personal questions
6)Heve you seen Monica in office? Not yet She will probably arrive in half an hour
Monica starts work in monday at 9
1)Why are you angry to <-ZLE SLOWO me? It was only PRZEDIMEK joke
2)Why are you laughting PISOWNIA Did I say somting PISOWNIA funny
3) what happend<-PISOWNIA in your finger = CO SIĘ STAŁO W TWOIM PALCU Oh nothing I cut my finger when I was cuting<-PISOWNIA onion
4) Why are you listening to music so loudlly<-PISOWNNIA? I have tomorrow<-TO PRZED AND, PRZEDIMEK difficult exam and I must learn JAKAS KROPKA, NIE? turn down the radio
5)Suzan is so inquisitive, she BRAK WAZNEGO SLOWA always asking me a lot of personal questions
6)Heve<-PISOWNIA you seen Monica in PRZEDIMEK office? Not yet She will probably arrive in half an hour
Monica starts work in <-ZLE SLOWO monday at 9 NAJPIERW TO, POTEM O DNIU TYGODNIA
1)Why are you angry whit me? I was only a joke
2)Why are you laughing at me ?Did I say something funny?
3)What happened to your finger Oh nothing I cut my finger when I cutting onion
4)Why are you listening to music so loudly? I have an difficult exam tomorrow and I must learn. Turn down the radio
5)Susan is so inquisitive, she is always asking me a lot of personal questions
6)Have you seen Monica in the office? Not yet Monica starts work at 9 every monday
proszę o ponowne sprawdzenie dzięki mg twoje uwagi były bardzo pomocne
with, it
I cutting- niegramatyczne
an - zly przedimek
zawsze z jadam albo przeinaczam przedimki
zaciełam sie wpalec kiedy kroiłam cebule
I cut my finger when I was cutting onion i to jest chyba past continius w 2 czesci zdania
czyli bedzie a czemu?
'a' przed difficult
a reszta ok
to dzieki za pomoc i miłej nocy
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


Pomoc językowa