Proszę o sprawdzenie wypracowania

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When it is sunny outside we are going for walks. A lot of time we spent on playground. If weather is bad we stay at home. We play with toys and cars, arrange the puzzle. Kuba helps me a lot with making meals, he likes to spent time in the kitchen. Sometimes we watch fairy tales on DVD. Our favorite is „Rio”. Kuba likes to sing, so I am playing on the gitar, and he sings. Last time we learned the ABC song in English.

For 3 years I take care of Piotrek. He is my friend's from work son. He is now 11 years old and he is teaching in fourth class in elementary school. We meet two times it the week. I helping him with homework. Taking him to taekwondo lessons. Sometimes we are going to the cinema or playing on the Sony PlayStation.

Every week i see the son of my friends. They live in Wrocław, but every weekend they are coming to their parents. Wojtek is only 1,5 ears old, but he is incredible smart little boy. I saw his first steps and it was amazing feeling. I like to see him grown and teach new stuff. He is very joyfull and he has cute smile.

I have my driving license since December 2012. I have never had an accident. I'm driving almost everyday, becouse I have my own car. Behind the wheel if fell really comfortable. I like to drive.

I think that au pair program is made for me becouse I like to take care of children, and I want to improve my english skills. I really want to see american christmas and halloween. I would like to know new culture and take some experience.

After finish the au pair program I want to go to collage and become a teacher like my mother.
When it is sunny outside we are going for walks. A lot of time we spent on playground. If weather is bad we stay at home. We play with toys and cars, arrange the puzzle. Kuba helps me a lot with making meals, he likes to spent time in the kitchen. Sometimes we watch fairy tales on DVD. Our favorite is „Rio”. Kuba likes to sing, so I am playing on the gitar, and he sings. english skills. I really want to see UWAZAJ NA WIELKIE LITERY american christmas and halloween. I would like to know=ZNAĆ new culture and take NIE ROZUMIEM some experience.

After finish =PO ZAKONCZYĆ the au pair program I want to go to collage<-ORTOGR. and become a teacher like my mother.

Popracuj troche nad gramatyka, bo ogolnie nie jest zle.
tym razem zjadlo polowe tekstu ze srodka.
Administratorzy nadal nie wiedza, jak sobie z tym poradzic?

Na plus administratorom licze wylaczenie funkcji przypominajacej o koniecznosci uzywania malych liter w odpowiedziach. Tu wiele osob stosuje wielkie litery, zeby odroznic swoje dopiski od tekstu oryginalu, malo kto - na szczescie - wybiera ten sposob, zeby krzyczec.
Tutaj jest wielu adminow? Myslalem, ze tylko Lukar tu rzadzi
Dobrze byłoby gdyby mg nie pozostawał sam w zwracaniu uwagi admina/-ów na ten bug.
mg- Bardzo serdecznie dziękuję za poprawienie błędów.
Rozumiem, że jest jakiś problem na forum, ale czy mogę liczyć na to, że za jakiś czas pojawi się cały tekst?
w pierwszym akapicie - poza ostatnim zdaniem - uzyj simple present
last time = ostatnim razem
teach = uczyc kogos
jak masz zdanie 'od trzech lat cos robie', musisz uzyc present perfect simple lub present perfect continuous
brakuje kilku przedimkow i musisz poprawic literowki, np. guitar
NB. Lukar napisał mi prywatną wiadomość w sprawie znikającego tekstu. Pracuje nad rozwiązaniem problemu.
w drugim akapicie tez simple present
Proszę o sprawdzenie:
My hero is Witold Pilecki. He was born in 1901 in Olonest (Karelia,Russia), in the north-western borderland of the Russia Epire. He was a Polish soldier, a rittmeister of the Polish Cavalry during the Second Polish Republic, the founder of the Secret Polish Army (Tajna Armia Polska) resistance group in German-occupied Poland in November 1939, and a member of the underground Home Army (Armia Krajowa), which was formed in February 1942.
When the Nazis attacked Poland emerged military organizations, including the Secret Polish Army, founded in Warsaw in November 1939. One of its founders and subsequently organization inspector was Witold Pilecki. The Secret Army engaged in the process of unifying the Polish underground and was incorporated into the structures of the Union for Armed Struggle, which later became the Home Army (ZWZ-AK).
In September 1940, Polish Army Officer Witold Pilecki deliberately entered the Auschwitz concentration camp as a prisoner to gather intelligence about the crimes committed there. After more than two and a half years of hard labor and torture, he accomplished his mission and managed to escape with the help of the Polish underground. Join the Uprising, fight on the streets while hiding his rank Takes command all while serving his country in need.
After the war, Pilecki was arrested by Communist officials. Sent to a prison, where the heroes are judged as traitors
Accused of treason by his own
Sentenced by countrymen under pressure of foreign influence
Men he once fought to free Witold Pilecki was a man of deep principle—a patriot, a Catholic, and an unwavering opponent of totalitarianism who eventually paid with his life.
poczatek z wikipedii, reszta z translatora (brak podmiotow itp.). Co napisales sam?
wklej to co sam napisales, maly plagiatorze
oj, nieladnie, nieladnie....nie widze dobrej przyszlosci z takimi poczatkami...

Zastanawiam sie sama, dlaczego ludzie to robia - wklejaja tutaj teksty prosto z Wiki czy z innych zrodel (ktore my i tam mozemy odszukac na necie), a pozniej chca zebysmy ich chwalili jak to dobrze SAMI napisali.
Powiem jedno, 'I can smell something wrong like a fart in a lift' i dlatego, prosze ludzi, ktorzy chca udawac ze NIBY sa NIBY zdolni tego nie robic. Tylko ciezka praca nad czyms zrobi cie zdolnego - to kazdy wiedzial i wie - a podszywanie sie/kradziez (tego co nie nalezy do ciebie) to niestety nie jest to samo co samodzielna praca. Well, at least not in my book!!!.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie


Studia za granicą