Nowadays, less and less young people decide <-ZMIENILBYM CZAS to get married and have a family before their thirtieth birthday. In almost every modern and developed country there is a tendency to find a job and save some money at<-NIEPOTRZEBNE AT first and only later to have a family. Let us consider the advantages and disadvantages of this idea.
Firstly, having a family in later life may influence well on the family budget. The people who are in their thirties have some savings, often have their own house or flat. Consequently they can spend more money on their child's upbringing. Secondly, it is generally agreed that the older people are the more responsible they become<-- SĄ BARDZIEJ ODPOWIEDZIALNI STAJĄ SIĘ???. As a consequence, those people make their decisions wisely LEPIEJ MAKE WISE DEICIONS. Thirdly, the spouses who are with each other longer are less likely to get divorced which would be very negative for their children.
On the other hand, the greater is CZEMU INWERSJA? the age difference betwen parents and their children, the harder it is for them to understand each other. What is more, people who decide to start a family and have children when they are old often die before they see their grandchildren. Last, but not least, many scientists and doctors believe that children who are born by people over thirty five years old are more likely to be born with genetic defects.
To sum up, PRZEDIMEKdecision of having family is probably one of the most important one in our life. It definitively should be made very responsibly and every advantages and disadvantages must be thought out.