Sprawdzenie zdan

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Prosiłbym o sprawdzenie zadań

Wybierz własciwe uzupełnienie zdań ( A , B , C lub D )

6.1 She wishes they .... her earlier about the meeting .I impossible for her to come
a) tell
b) would tell
c) told
d) had told

Moja odpowiedz D

6.2 If he .....to work late again , the boss will fire him
a) come
b) comes
c) came
d) had come

Moja odpowiedz B

6.3 They didnt come .....I asked them
a) in spite of
b) however
c) although
d) despite

Moja odpowiedz B

6.4 They decide to stay at home ....the weekend
a) on
b) in
c) at
d) -

Moja odpowiedz A

6.5 When we were kids we ..... spend the whole day playing in the garden
a) would
b) will
c) use to
d) were

Moja odpowiedz A

6.6 Could you tell me what .......you yesterday?
a) did she tell
b) she told
c) told she
d) has she told

Moja odpowiedz C

6.7 The students in my grup are all really......They're nice and helpful
a) unfriendly
b) friendly
c) honest
d) outgoing

Moja odpowiedz A

6.8 Can you ..... me $20 ? I'll pay you back by the end of the week
a) borrow
b) lend
c) loan
d) lease

Moja odpowiedz A

6.9 At first I didnt like him , but after a few days , we ....on really well
a) went
b) took
c) got
d) gave

Moja odpowiedz A

6.10 She decided not to go Ibiza on holiday with us bacause she.....there three times
a) is
b) used to be
c) was
d) had been
Moja odpowiedz C

6.11 The ..... figures are rising and more and more people lose their jobs
a) unemployment
b) employment
c) employer
d) employee

Moja odpowiedz A

6.12 The stadium ..... redecorated at the moment
a) be
b) being
c) is being
d) was being
Moja odpowiedz C
We never .... our house cleaned - we always do it on our own
a) have
b) take
c) go
d) give
Moja odpowiedz C
6.14 When I was at secondary school I .... very hard
a) grew up
b) study
c) did my homework
d) didn't study
Moja odpowiedz C
6.15 She ... here for over 15 years and she still enjoys her job
a) work
b) worked
c) has worked
d) have worked
Moja odpowiedz A
6.16 Look at the sign . You ... park here . You'll get a fine
a) can
b) must
c) have to
d) mustn't
Moja odpowiedz B
6.17 The doctor examined the patient and wrote a .....
a) prescription
b) reception
c) recipe
d) guide
Moja odpowiedz B
6.18 It's the best cake that I .....
a) ever eaten
b) have ever eaten
c) ever eat
d) ever ate
Moja odpowiedz B
te są źle:

6.3 They didnt come .....I asked them
a) in spite of
b) however
c) although
d) despite

6.4 They decide to stay at home ....the weekend
a) on
b) in
c) at
d) -

6.6 Could you tell me what .......you yesterday?
a) did she tell
b) she told
c) told she
d) has she told

6.7 The students in my grup are all really......They're nice and helpful
a) unfriendly
b) friendly
c) honest
d) outgoing

6.8 Can you ..... me $20 ? I'll pay you back by the end of the week
a) borrow
b) lend
c) loan
d) lease

6.9 At first I didnt like him , but after a few days , we ....on really well
a) went
b) took
c) got
d) gave

6.10 She decided not to go Ibiza on holiday with us bacause she.....there three times
a) is
b) used to be
c) was
d) had been

We never .... our house cleaned - we always do it on our own
a) have
b) take
c) go
d) give

6.14 When I was at secondary school I .... very hard
a) grew up
b) study
c) did my homework
d) didn't study

6.15 She ... here for over 15 years and she still enjoys her job
a) work
b) worked
c) has worked
d) have worked

6.16 Look at the sign . You ... park here . You'll get a fine
a) can
b) must
c) have to
d) mustn't

6.17 The doctor examined the patient and wrote a .....
a) prescription
b) reception
c) recipe
d) guide
te są źle - 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14 , 15, 16 , 17
edytowany przez zielonosiwy: 02 lut 2016
6.1 ok
6.2 ok
6.3 They didnt come .....I asked them...tutaj masz ZLE.
6.4 They decide to stay at home ....the weekend...ZLE
6.5 ok
6.6 Could you tell me what .......you yesterday? ZLE
6.7 The students in my group are all really......They're nice and helpful...ZLE. Co znaczy friendly/unfriendly?
6.8 Can you ..... me $20 ? I'll pay you back by the end of the week...ZLE
6.9 At first I didnt like him , but after a few days , we ....on really well...ZLE
6.10 She decided not to go Ibiza on holiday with us because she.....there three times...ZLE
6.11 ok
6.12 ok
6.13 We never .... our house cleaned - we always do it on our own...ZLE
6.14 When I was at secondary school I .... very hard...ZLE
6.15 She ... here for over 15 years and she still enjoys her job...ZLE
6.16 Look at the sign . You ... park here . You'll get a fine...ZLE
6.17 The doctor examined the patient and wrote a .....ZLE
6.18 ok
Od kiedy 5 jest ok, terri:)?
Jak masz na mysli to zdanie:
6.5 When we were kids we WOULD spend the whole day playing in the garden
Moja odpowiedz A
To wedlug mnie jest ok.
Faktycznie. Źle przeczytałem, my bad:)
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.