Sprawdzenie błędów w liście prywatnym.

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Hi Kim,
I'm writing to tell you about a TV show that I have just watched. It was about Adriana Lima. She is world super model and she walks in Victorias Secret shows cat walks.From this program I found out that she has been in orphanage for six years. When she was ten years old she came into foster family. She said that hers life wasn't easy and she is grateful for what she have now. She was talking about her way to become a supermodel. She went through a lot of bad stuff but she deal with it so well. Now she has her own family and developing career. She's doing everything for her children that they could have better childhood than she had. I think that she is very brave and strong woman. This woman copes sow ell now that I'm really impressed. J remember that once I watched reportage about Polish Fashion designer Gosia Baczyńska. Her story is also very moving but there were some funny stories. It is worth seeing. That's it for now. Hope to hear from you soon.

Oczywiście informacje o osobach sa tylko zmyslone :D
Hi Kim,
I'm writing to tell you about a TV show that I have just watched. It was about Adriana Lima. She is PRZEDIMEK world< -JA BYM TU DODAL SAXON GENITIVE super model and she walks in Victorias Secret shows cat walks < -TO SIE RAZEM PISZE.From< -JA BYM DAL INNE SŁOWO this program I found out that she has been< -ZLY CZAS, TO SIE JUZ SKONCZYLO in PRZEDIMEK orphanage for six years. When she was ten years old she came into DAŁBYM 'ADOPTED' +PRZEDIMEKfoster family. She said that hers< -ZNASZ RÓZNICE MIEDZY 'HER' A 'HERS'? life wasn't easy and she is grateful for what she have< -NIEGRAMATYCZNE now. She was talking about her way to become a supermodel. She went through a lot of bad stuff but she deal< -NIEGRAMATYCZNE, DAJ TU CZAS PRZESZŁY with it so well. Now she has her own family and PRZEDIMEK developing career. She's doing everything for her children that they could have PRZEDIMEK better childhood than she had. I think that she is PRZEDIMEK very brave and strong woman. This woman copes so well now that I'm really impressed. I remember that once I watched PRZEDIMEK reportage about PRZEDIMEK Polish Fashion designer Gosia Baczyńska. Her story is also very moving but there were some funny stories. It is worth seeing. That's it for now. Hope to hear from you soon.

mimo kilku podstawowych blędow, tekst jest zrozumiały i dobrze się czyta
edytowany przez zielonosiwy: 10 mar 2016
She is PRZEDIMEK world< -JA BYM TU DODAL SAXON GENITIVE super model ja bym się zgodził gdyby po 'world' było np 'first' lub 'best' etc.