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My ideal school is in a big city. It is a day school for boys and girls. School is modern. Pupils don't have to wear uniforms, but they have little rules. They can wear what they want. School has gymnasium, football pitch and outdoor swimming pool, because I like sport. There are computer room with new computers, library and science laboratory.
Lessons start at 9.00 a.m and end at 2.00 p.m. Breaks last fifteen minutes. Lunch is at 12.00 p.m. Technology is a must. In class students have a tablets to learn, so they don't have to carry heavy backpack. Teachers are calm, friendly and helpful. They help pupils with their problems. In class is about twenty students. There aren't violence and stress. Lessons aren't boring, they are very interesting and comfortable.
After school pupils go swimming or playing football.
Every weekends there are trips to the sea or countryside.
Students have party in club on every other friday evening. They can go to the cinema or theatre with friends. After school every student does easy homework in his house. Lake and forest is near school, so pupils go fishing or mushrooming. They have dance and guitar lessons in the afternoon. There aren't boredom.
I think this is perfect school for students. It is dream of every pupil and my. I want this school.
Brak (złe) przedimki.
Pupils don't have to wear uniforms, but they have little rules. School has gymnasium, football pitch and outdoor swimming pool, because I like sportS. There are computer room with new computers, library and science laboratory.
Lunch is at 12.00 p.m. Technology is a must. In class students have a tablets to learn, so they don't have to carry heavy backpackS. In class is about twenty students. There aren't violence and stress. Lessons aren't boring, they are very interesting and comfortable.
After school pupils go swimming or playing football.
Every weekends there are trips to the sea or countryside.
Students have party in club on every other friday evening. They can go to the cinema or theatre with friends. NIE WIEM CO TO MA WSPOLNEGO ZE SZKOLĄ After school every student does easy homework in his house.
Więcej błędów;)
Czyli, które takie widoczne błędy mam poprawić żeby tekst jakoś wyglądał?
Jest tu sporo błędów gramatycznych, a konstrukcja zdań czasami nie posiada sensu. Bardzo chaotycznie przechodzisz z jednej informacji do drugiej, przez co tekst kolosalnie traci na spójności. Przez to nawet ja czasami nie wiem co masz na myśli. W jednym zdaniu mówisz, że nie mają mundurków, aby zaraz po przecinku powiedzieć, że mają mało zasad?
- Zdanie "they have little rules" nie brzmi zbyt dobrze. Lepiej napisać "They don't have many rules"(little używamy przed rzeczownikami niepoliczalnymi, równie dobrze można napisać "a few rules")
- Słowo "violence" oraz "stress" to są rzeczowniki, nie możesz używać ich jako przymiotników. Powinno być "violent" oraz "stressed", bo są przymiotnikami.
- Dni tygodnia w angielskim piszemy wielką literą
- Pamiętaj, aby w słowach dotyczących liczby mnogiej dodawać -s
- W zdaniu "Every weekends there are trips to the sea or countryside", powinno być "weekend"(bez s, nawet po polsku mówimy "Każdego tygodnia") tak samo "to the sea", powinno być "to the seaside"
- PAMIETAJ o tym, aby przed rzeczownikami w liczbie pojedyńczej zawsze stawiać "a" lub "an"


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