The common childhood diseases

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The common childhood diseases
Children often get sick. Childhood diseases are generally bacterial and viral. The main cause of illnesses is weak immune system which can be easily infected. I will present some of the most common childhood diseases.
One of them is chickenpox. The name seems to be funny but this diseases isn’t. For example: chickenpox and shingles are both caused by the same virus!!!. The older the infected child is the more dangerous chickenpox is. The most characteristic symptoms are : red, quite itchy spots or blisters over the whole body, high fever. To reduce fever child should take medicine which contains paracetamol or use calamine lioton or antihistamines to reduce itching. The child should be excluded from school during this time and avoid contact especially with pregnant women .
Another disease is roseola. It is a viral infection that commonly affect young children. It involves a pinkish- red skin rash and high fever. Some kids come down with congestion, coughing and patchy rush that starts on the chest and spreads. Parents should keep them home until the rash disappears. Acetaminophen and cool sponge baths can help reduce the fever.
Next type is influenza. It is a viral infection that next attack children’s respiratory system- noses, throat and lungs. The most familiar symptoms are: fever, caught, sore throat, runny nose, muscle aches, headaches. Sometimes kids may have vomiting and diarrhea. Best defence against influenza is to receive an annual vaccination.
Scarlet fever is caused by a strain of streptococcus bacterium. This illness makes the skin go red. The toxins get into the blood from the infected throat. Scarlatina(?? tutaj nie jestem pewna) is the most common in children aged under 10 years. Sore throat, high temperature, red, bright rash, strawberry tongue are the most typical symptoms. It is important to keep the child at home and avoid contact with the other children. For a period of 10 days are usually given antibiotics.
I presented some of the most typical childhood diseases. Parents should take care of their children’s health. Some of the diseases may be deadly and very dangerous. Because of this all people should know about health care and be aware of life- threatening illnesses.
przedimki przed weak immune system, child ...
excluded to chyba zle slowo
affectS, attackS
co to 'caught'?
For a period of 10 days are usually given antibiotics - tutaj brak podmiotu
PS w wypracowaniach nie uzywa sie wykrzyknikow i takich słów jak 'kids'
bardzo dziękuję ! :) wykrzykniki zaznaczyłam ponieważ chciałam tam dopisać -varicella zoster virus i umknęło mi to
this diseases = ta choroby
roseola co to? Odra to measles
next nie znaczy 'z kolei'
familiar = znajome
nie mowi sie scarlatina, jeżeli to ma byc to samo co scarlet fever
I have presented = wlasnie to zrobilas, stad present perfect
all people zamien na everyone
Antibiotics are usually given for a periods of 10 days. ?
roseola jako różyczka
o wiele czesciej mowia rubella / German measles
zdanie z antybiotykami ok, ale oczywiscie period, nie periods
calamine lioton
patchy rush
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