
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Jeśli miałby ktoś chwilkę, prosiłbym o podzielenie się uwagami dotyczącymi załączonej niżej recenzji. Z góry dzięki :)

A literary magazine is running a series of reviews of books that people enjoyed reading as a child and would recommend for children today. You decide to send in a review in which you describe a book you enjoyed and the attractions it had for you as a child. You should also explain why you feel it remains relevant for children today.

Write your review.

As a matter of fact, today there is a plethora of genres of books, each of which may seem
appealing to different audiences. On the other hand, there are probably at least as many
of those which lull you to sleep better than sleeping pills.

When looking back on my childhood I can see the bookworm spending much of his spare time
in his room jam-packed with books - the picture not as common among today's youngsters.
Were I to make some recommendations to change the order of things, I would say that so far
I have not stumbled across anything at least as good as 'Harry Potter'.

The series by J. K. Rowling introduces a reader into the world of magic, thus pushing the
boundaries of their imagination. Not only is this a great technique of relaxation, but it
can, if nothing else, lead to the great improvement of one's creativity. For the findings
of lots of research conducted so far show that youngsters' brain is much more capable of
absorbing knowledge in comparison to the old's one, so should it be with any kind of non-scientific information. In this way, odds are that if people assimilate the world of fantasy as children, they will be able to think outside the box more efficiently when in their thirties or forties.

It is also worth noting that winning the attention of children born during the so-called
'Digital Age' is much easier if allowing for their lifestyle. I strongly believe that
providing them with a book which can resemble some kind of a video game in terms of the
quick action and the wonderful world it takes place in, stands for the key to success.

I am convinced that my recommendation can shake up the preconceptions about reading among the young. Don't worry about having books tickle your fancy - it is in your head, not in your feet!
edytowany przez darkdogg: 02 maj 2016
'As a matter of fact' (to jest bardzo nieladnie jak na poczatek, bo ja odnosze z tego, ze reka machasz na takie cos, lepiej po prostu Today...), today there is a plethora of genres of books, each of which may seem
appealing to different audiences. 'On the other hand' (nie, bon ajpierw musimy napisac .'.on the one hand', a pozniej...'on the other hand', mozna napisac Conversely, Additionally, - cos takiego) , there are probably at least as many of those (ale czego? tutaj nie jest jasno o co chodzi) which lull you to sleep better than sleeping pills.

When looking back on my childhood I can see the bookworm spending much of his spare time
in his room jam-packed with books - 'the' (cos mi sie ten przedimek tutaj nie podoba, wg mnie niepotr) picture not as common among today's youngsters.

For the findings 'of lots of' (to jest za niski poziom okreslenia, uzywasz bardzo 'literary' words, a teraz za bardzo dziecinne, staraj sie nie uzywac 'big', lots of' - to sa slowa na niskim poziomie, tutaj trzeba...of numerous, - cos takiego) research conducted so far show that youngsters' brain is much more capable of
absorbing knowledge in comparison to 'the old's' (to jest bardzo ponizajace dla doroslych osob, a more mature brain') one, (tutaj cos brak) so should it be with any kind of non-scientific information. In this way, (brak przedimka 'the') odds are that if people assimilate the world of fantasy as children, they will be able to think outside the box more efficiently when in their thirties or forties. (a ludzie w fifties or sixties - juz nic nie mysla?)

It is also worth noting that winning the attention of children born during the so-called 'Digital Age' is much easier if 'allowing' (to jest zle slowo tutaj, mozna 'if we allow' - ale cos to mi nie pasuje) for their lifestyle. I strongly believe that providing them with a book which can resemble some kind of a video game in terms of 'the' (niepotr) quick action and the wonderful world it takes place in, stands for 'the' (chociaz ja dalabym tutaj 'a') key to success.
Dzięki :)
Po poprawkach wskazanych fragmentów wyszło mi takie coś:

Today there is a plethora of genres of books, each of which may seem appealing to different audiences. Conversely, there are probably at least as many of literary positions which lull you to sleep better than sleeping pills.

When looking back on my childhood I can see the bookworm spending much of his spare time
in his room jam-packed with books - picture not as common among today's youngsters.


For the findings of numerous research conducted so far show that youngsters' brain is much more capable of absorbing knowledge in comparison to the mature one, (tutaj cos brak) so should it be with any kind of non-scientific information. In this way, the odds are that if people assimilate the world of fantasy as children, they will be able to think outside the box more efficiently as adults.

It is also worth noting that winning the attention of children born during the so-called 'Digital Age' is much easier if we take their lifestyle into consideration. I strongly believe that providing them with a book which can resemble some kind of a video game in terms of quick action and the wonderful world it takes place in, stands for a key to success.

Zastanawiam się nad tym jeszcze:

For the findings of numerous research conducted so far show that youngsters' brain is much more capable of absorbing knowledge in comparison to the mature one, (tutaj cos brak) so should it be with any kind of non-scientific information.

Chciałem napisać coś w stylu: Ponieważ wyniki dotychczas przeprowadzonych badań wskazują na to, że mózg młodego człowieka ma lepsze predyspozycje do chłonięcia wiedzy niż osób starszych, to samo powinno odnosić się do każdego innego rodzaju informacji, niekoniecznie naukowej.


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