
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Zapomnialem dodac jeszcze jedno zadanie do sprawdzenia, z gory dziękuję
"I didn't have the chance to go to university" said my dad. HAD
My dad said that he hadn't Had the chance to go to university
1 The company I applied to have offered me a job. BEEN
I have been offered a job by the company I applied to.
2 Although I worked hard, I was made redundant after six months. WORKING
In spite of working hard I was made redundant after six months.
3 We didn't get a bonus last year because the company didn't make a profit. GOT
If the company had made a profit last year, we would have got a bonus.
4 When did they start writing this test? HAVE
How long have they been writing this test?
5 "Are you going to go out and celebrate when you finish your exams?" WAS
My friend asked me if I was going to go out and celebrate when I finished my exams.
2 przecinek po hard
4 'for' na koncu

reszta ok


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie


Business English