
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
czy to zdanie jest w miare poprawnie napisane
"this is not good because we begin to to make conditional" ( to nie jest dobre ponieważ zaczynamy sie uzależniać"
make conditional = robic tryb warunkowy

we begin to get addicted
Mogłabym poprosić o sprawdzenie? Z góry przepraszam za pewnie liczne błędy jednak dopiero uczę sie tego języka:)
In our life is a lot of a technology. We meet with it every day.Someone of us can't life without it.This is not good beacuse we begin to get addicted.Which of these :books,Tv,radio and computer -is my addiction?Which would I never give up?

If I have to give up one of these I would choose radio. I don't like to listen the radio because it is not interesting for me. I prefer to see the picture.Only thing which I do is listening to music.I would not really to give up of computer. It helps me with lessons. I can communicate with my friends and find out a lot of information. Sometimes I like to watch the movie on computer.In my opinion a computer is very important in our life.

Summing up technology is important in life but not the most important. I would not live without itbeacuse we need it so much
In our life THERE is a lot of a technology.
'Someone' (tutaj sie pomylilas, 'some' znaczy niektorzy, a 'someone' znaczy 'ktos, daj tutaj 'some') of us can't 'life' (nie, tutaj masz rzeczownik 'life-zycie' a potrzebujesz czasownik 'live-zyc') without it. This is 'not' (lepiej 'no') good 'beacuse' (nie, slowo jest 'because') we begin to get addicted.

If I 'have' (nie, tutaj 'had') to give up one of these I would choose (daj przedimek) radio. I don't like to listen TO the radio because it is not interesting for me. I prefer to see 'the' (nie, tutaj 'a') picture. (przedimek) only thing which I do is listening to music.I would not really LIKE to give up 'of' (niepotr) computer.
Sometimes I like to watch 'the' (tutaj 'a', bo nie mowisz o specificznym, tylko generalnie) movie on THE computer.

Summing up (ja tutaj dalabym przecinek) technology is important in life (przecinek przed slowem 'but' bo teraz mowisz o czyms innym) but not the most important. I would not live without it 'beacuse' (because) we need it so much.

Mozna tez dodac ze 'telefone' jest wazny, bo bez tego nie jest latwo zadzwonic w razie wypadku - pomysl, gdyby nikt nie mial tych recznych telefonow - w jaki sposob by sie zadzwonilo po kogos.....(zapytaj dziadkow co robili)
edytowany przez terri: 30 wrz 2016
lot of a technology
We meet with it every day. JA BYM INACZEJ UJĄŁ
books np 'e-books'