Proszę o sprawdzenie zdanek :)

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
1 When I heard that they got married, I couldn't believe my ears.
2 Although she is painfully (strasznie) talkative and sometimes even immodest, she is very popular among her (swoich) peers.
3 Despite being very lazy, Kate achieves excellent results at school.
4 You have been very polite for me for several days now. It is becoming suspicous.
5 If she doesn't present (przedstawi?) hers CV, we won't be able to give her a job.
6 Sara can be quite selfish even if it comes to a friendship.
7 Honestly, I'm not really keen on fashion.
8 sylwia takes after her mother.(jak tu wepchnac "bardzo"?)
9 When I came over to Tom, he has just got up and was wearing a dressing gown.
10 I'm in a very good mood today, so I think, that we can go togeter to a disco today.
11 It's nice to hear, that you passed all of your exams with fying colours and got into your dreamy university.
12 Sara wears her hair loose since I can remember.
13 A move can be very stressful, even for somebody who did it many times
14 When I finish my university, everybody will be proud of me
16 If they don't advertise their company on the market, they'll go bankrupt in a year.
17 Because I don't like working under pressure and like undemanding professions, my dream is to become a beautician.
18 Can you differentiate between British and American accent?
19 Once, I mowed the lawn every three days. Now, owing to the lack of time, I do it once a month.
20 How long will the refurbishment of your house take?
I couldn't believe my ears
....??? dobra , - ale częściej się mówi : ' ..believe my eyes "
No wlasnie wiem, ale tak nauczyciel podyktowal i znalazlam na necie ze ears tez mozna napisac
A co nauczyciel podyktowal to swiete i nie mozna zmieniac chocby nwm co
1 'believe one's ears' jest ok, ale zapomnialas o cofaniu czasu w tym zdaniu
4 to me
5 zalezy, co rozumiesz przez 'przedstawi'
6 'friendship' jest niepoliczalny w tym wypadku
9 pomieszane czasy
11 marzycielski university?
12 zly czas
13 co to 'move'? na pewno dobry czas na koncu?
18 przedimki
20 literowka, i nie tylko tu

poza tym niepotrzebne przecinki przed 'that'
edytowany przez zielonosiwy: 07 lis 2016
Nie wiem - przedstawi to przedstawi tak mam podyktowane
9 When I came over to Tom, he just got up and was wearing a dressing gown. Kiedy przyjechalam do Toma elasnie wstal i mial na sobie szlafrok
12 tam ma byc poznalem ::
Sara nosi rozpuszczone wlosy odkad ja poznalem sara has been wearing her hair loose since I met her
13 przeprowadzka
9 simple past + simple past = pierwsza czynnosc wczesniejsza, druga czynnosc pozniejsza, a w oryginale bylo 'wlasnie wstal', czyli wczesniej wstal
12 i tak zly czas przed since.
13 moving house
Has weared?
wear nie jest regularny, możes zresztą użyc PPCont
Ojesu przepraszam, nie wiem czemu napisalam jako regularny, za malo spie
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie